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Taboo Sho
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2024
Feb 22, 2012
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Awarded Medals 1

Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
Twitch Streamer

Taboo Sho

The Math Emperor, 30, from USA

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Time to pick up the slack. Nov 11, 2020

Taboo Sho was last seen:
Apr 20, 2024
    1. Destiny
      Hey, I'll have a computer again soon, are you able to post in revolt so I can immediately get a post up in that RP
    2. Angel
      I could try!
    3. Angel
      12 straight hours? Hmm. I can't say that I will.
      I'll help if you need it though.
    4. Cameron
      One thing I'm interested in, who came up with this idea? It's nice that you're trying to get some life back to this place but trying to get old members like me back into the game fishing for points that won't matter to me at all?

      A nice idea but really works only for new members.
    5. Dion
      My reputation is already notorious here.
    6. Cameron

      Just wow.
    7. Destiny
      You didn't hold off with Hope's scene, so I would like it if you posted more. But I guess that's ok. I'm on a bit of a vacation right now with a bunch of friends so I haven't much time to do a lot of site stuff right now anyways
    8. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Lemme put it this way, I just updated my most recent post in Revolt to be more similar to my writing style, go take a look.
    9. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      My RPing, I will not deny, has not improved as much as I'd like. Back then my RPing was sentences, and my writing was paragraphs. Now it seems like I'm pushing more into my writing than the RPing, which is why most of mine focuses on character relation, because I'm so used to being able to set situations with my characters. I find it hard to work with a lone character these days.
    10. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Again, that was back when I first started writing lol, give a man a bit of credit. I'm a millenia away from where I was.
    11. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Yeah my bad, I prolly should've explained it all the way first lol. Sorry to cause a scare.
    12. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Well thank you anyway man. I started that story four years ago, and finally started creating it into a book this last year. I don't wan't anyone telling me I tried to copy some old story on a forum lol.
    13. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Hey sho, I need a favor man. I got an old thread that's lying around that I need deleted. It's called Brink of Insanity.
    14. Destiny
      Ok sure that'll work, but when will she fully awaken?
    15. Destiny
      Ok I went through on my phone to fix the errors, though not entirely sure if I got them all with my phone being a pain and scrolling every time I tried to place the cursor. So you should be good.

      The main thing I want Ellen if possible to have watched Liberty hide the gun (for her to investigate later), and to see the cut that Liberty did to herself. But for her to see it without Liberty realizing she had seen it.
    16. Destiny
      Yeah, when I'm on my phone I probably could care less on double checking because it's a pain and autocorrect certainly doesn't help with anything
    17. Destiny
      Yeah I was on my phone (still am) and it was written when I wasn't fully awake yet. I'll go back through and double check it on my computer again (whenever that may be)
    18. Destiny
      Ok, also don't forget about morph.
    19. Dion
      Of course you'd like the fan fics lol
    20. Dion
      I did watch the first ep and never really could stand the voice acting.
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  • About

    Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    Twitch Streamer
    Nothing much to say really...

    Kingdom Hearts, fanfiction etc...




    "The Scourge of Hyrule Castle"

    "Calamity cannot be avoided. In time, everything will fall."
    Thanks Hope for the set!

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