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Last Activity:
Jan 14, 2025
Mar 17, 2009
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Home Page:
Deep within your heart


Lion Heart, Male, from Deep within your heart

Staff Member Administrator

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky Dec 25, 2019

Angel was last seen:
Jan 14, 2025
    1. Kitty
      Does the subject of the avatar I upload matter, or are you wanting some that specifically relate to the site?
    2. EtherealSummoner
      I know. That's how life works. While thinking on this, I started to compare you to Thomas in the game Suikoden 3. I find it amusing because both of you became leaders to save what is dying and leading people who are doing their best to keep a place where they consider another home. I find it amusing. You should give the game a go if you ever have the chance to buy it.
    3. EtherealSummoner
      Glad you are able to manage this website now as the new owner. :) Very glad. Keep it up. As for me, I need to finish creating this website for my intro to management class (Going to be a butt though). I am checking here from time to time.
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I tried, but it kept redirecting me and stuff and not allowing me to, so I gave up
    5. Kitty
      Replied once already, dunno if you got it, so take two: Eh, I'm doing okay. Been snowed in and stuck in my house for most of the last week, which sucks. But I got a few extra days off work, so I guess that's cool.

      How have you been doing? I see you're our new overlord. Congrats?
    6. Become
      1. I think I got my wordpress and gravatar straightened out.

      2. Gonna be posting again in Amethyst tomorrow, whether Vox has posted or not; he can always catch up with us later.
    7. EtherealSummoner
      Yo Angel! There's a new Dissidia trailer out and that is something you can use as new coverage for the main site and forum.
    8. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Says I have insufficient access
    9. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      No wordpress account
    10. EtherealSummoner
      Hey Angel. How have you been doing so far? Back in school and will be doing some intense drawing in terms of 2D environments. Also had fun in my intro to management class today as well.
    11. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Thank you. I feel the staff would do better with somebody else in my place.
    12. Become
      I asked this in the round table, but I imagine no one's been on that over the holidays: have we actually been getting any donations through that paypal link? Or have things been pretty dry in that department?
    13. EtherealSummoner
      :/ Meh. Alrighty then. If that is what she wants.
    14. EtherealSummoner
      I see Nicole left for college matters, seeing she hasn't been on in a while.
    15. EtherealSummoner
      Not fond of Game Programming and I have to take some advanced math. I could take Game Sound and/or Game Development as well, but I am thinking about taking one of those as a 2nd Major for Grad school. I am starting my minor in management next semester soon and even though Game Art may be difficult to get into, I enjoy drawing and designing. Heart goes out more towards that than the other fields. College I go to have us cover drawing, development and programming skills before we go on to our concentration anyway. Even though I am majoring in Game Art, I also want to be well-rounded in development and maybe even sound if possible.

      As for the site, I can tell the process is going very slow. Who else is left on the team and who is still around?
    16. EtherealSummoner
      Yea. I've been doing a lot. Going to put up a couple of my work up soon in relation to my Game Art major. So, what have you and the site been up to?
    17. EtherealSummoner
      Draw and design, sharing my faith with other people about God, lead and help with bible studies, making me another portfolio website (One I had stopped for whatever reason), play some more MMORPG games, and work. I have some time to be on here now.
    18. EtherealSummoner
      Yep yep! 6 weeks of winter break. ^_^
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Not to shabby. How about yourself?
    20. Napoléon
      Oh no ! I'm a stranger :P

      Heyy !!! I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II HD Final Mix recently LOL
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