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Last Activity:
Sep 8, 2015
Aug 20, 2007
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Mike was last seen:
Sep 8, 2015
    1. Mike
      To anyone reading: I'm gonna be gone for a day or two to sort out some paperwork. Be back soon!
    2. Kyuu
      Oh, cool.
      I still have one year in high school and then to college.

      You live pretty far from here. =D
    3. Kyuu
      Haha, hope you'll find a good one. ;D
      Where do you live?
    4. Overdose
      thanks (:

      How are you?
    5. Kyuu
      Hi Mike. (:
      I'm doing good, though school started wednesday.. I'd prefer vacation. =D
      I also have swimming practice five times in week, so I don't have much spare time, but I'm fine.

      How about you, how are the things going now?
    6. Autopsy
      Who in the fuck is Toph on KHI? Lmao
      and yes. of course.
    7. Avalantos
      very much so, a member got banned and another refuses to accept the criticism and believes they are the best sig maker on the forum. as an outcome complaints were made and other members stepped in, thus eventually left after staff members took Autopsy's side.

      Very amusing for a bystander.
    8. Avalantos
      basically she rated someones sig badly (it was a bad sig) and it all spawned from there...
    9. Avalantos
      haha, yeh. saw the topic and wanted to see if your doing cool.

      im cool, same old same old. Bored of everything etc etc
    10. Avalantos
      just checking up on ya :P

      hows things been?
    11. Destiny
      Hey no worries of being lazy, I was having head problems back in May and I didn't do a whole lot back then neither. So don't worry. As for deleting I'm going to wait till a super mod or hope gets on msn instead of pestering Rai all the time.

      Oh and thanks about the RP comment, I'm hoping it'll turn into something real big. I have a lot planned for it.
    12. Destiny
      Oh yeah I forgot about that, then don't worry you got a medical excuse basicly. I'll get someone to delete it.
    13. Destiny
      Mike in teh RP can you please length it. The requirement is 3 full lines(or really close to full) or 6 sentences.
    14. Eryl
      I'm glad you're feeling better! <3
      I'm also excited that you're RPing again~ ;3
    15. GrandShadow
      oh, well whatever it was i hope you get better soon.

      and Eryl did slight power-playging, she had your character acompany her to the Attrox capital where she had him say he had something to do so they split. thats all with your character.

      as for the rest, Caedus was killed by Jake. both Seth and Dirk are searching for him but for different reasons. Vivienne is with Jake who's unconscious from his lack of energy after killing Caedus and escaping. and Storm Valentine has made a few appearances, mostly when he was told of Caedus' death.
    16. GrandShadow
      any specific reason why you've stopped posting in Nations?
    17. Eryl
      Not a problem! I hope you feel better soon! :>
      {it seems the descriptions will darken a little bit during your absence} ;D
    18. Eryl
      You are awesome~ <3
      haa, let me apologize again for confusing you. I'll be clearer next time... er, I hope so, at least. :>
      btw, I envy your vivid descriptions! C;
    19. Eryl
      Ah, I'm so sorry! I just saw your post in the Nations SU thread. ;x
      haha, I actually thought I was setting you up for some action, but I guess I just made you lost. XD
      Anyway, I suppose if you have nothing planned in the RP, you could help my character out? She's freaked out by the undead army, anyway. ;D
    20. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      I play the trumpet.:) It's good to hear that you play brass as well.:)
      When I grow up, I might be a....IDK, maybe teacher or nurse. People say I fit in those two catagories.
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