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Last Activity:
Apr 25, 2010
Jul 11, 2009
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Feb 16, 1992 (Age: 32)
Sniper Island


New Member, 32, from Sniper Island

Sogeking was last seen:
Apr 25, 2010
    1. kirairiato
      so much excitment on the current episode -sigh- and folowwing

      hope the roleplay goes the way you want it XD
      do a great job
    2. Goldfish
      For sure. I'm going to update my laptop with a bunch of bands later on when I go to my friends place. He has one computer that's just got music on it. about 500GB full of bands =\
      Unfortunately my Laptop only got about 30GB XD
    3. Goldfish
      Sweet Band, But I've been finding myself listening to some Power Metal lately like Blind Guardian =\
      Still great though.
      But I do wish I had my old play list on my old computer, had many bands on it >.<
    4. kirairiato
      lol, you must really be addicted to one piece
      what episode are you on ??
      man watch the current ones the story geting more xciting
      you would get more idea
    5. kirairiato
      the roleplay??
    6. Goldfish
      I've heard of them, A mate of mine was supporting them by advertising at one stage ^^
    7. Goldfish
      Haven't heard of them but they're sweet!
      Local Bands making it big =]
      That's how Parkway started out
    8. Goldfish
      it's 1:27 pm right now as I post this.
    9. kirairiato
      *poke poke * sitll nothing interesting to join XD
      guessing it over right
      also hows it going?
    10. Goldfish
      Sweet, I managed to do things I wanted to do but was previously too lazy to do today =]

      Mainly waking up early XD
    11. Goldfish
      Metal-er before the Hair Cut XD
    12. Destiny
      Yeah it seems intersting, I can't make a template now though I can sunday.
    13. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Your Welcome :)
      and I Joined
    14. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      ok ill go look at it and let you know ok
    15. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      okay you dont have to if you dont want to i was just asking
    16. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      its not to far and its called Kingdom Hearts:Runaways (Actual Rp)
    17. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      thanks :D you should join my roleplay
    18. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      sure thing oh and your roleplay is great!!!
    19. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      ok but i might be gone for two days but im not sure yet i will let you know ok
    20. Destiny
      Well I deleted posts underr 6 sentencees due to ruleee regulations, plain ooc posts, power playing, god modding, and more. The few people I never did kick out but TD told me if they can't RP teach them and he'll temporarily remove RP for that member. As for booting peeople from specfic RP usually members asked me to, the owner asked me to because that member would not listen, and it was my own rp and they wouldn't rp by rules. All of these I were told to do. So if you get the chance asked the guy is site username because it's about time to learn who on Earth this guy is and find out why he's spreading rumours. Anything done by me with mod powers I always got permission, been told and never abused them.
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  • About

    Feb 16, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Sniper Island
    BMX, Music, Anime, Video Games
