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Flash Delirium
Last Activity:
Jan 26, 2013
Aug 4, 2009
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Aug 5, 1993 (Age: 31)

Flash Delirium

Indie Rokkers, 31, from Philadelphia

Flash Delirium was last seen:
Jan 26, 2013
    1. Destiny
      No it's a different idea of mine. I'm just saying everything I've pushed staff to do has come to be. Just not the one thing yet because we need a special software.

      I just told one of our admins and she likes the idea so it'll probaly happen. Maybe not right away but it definately will.
    2. Destiny
      Well I'm definately telling staff and stuff about this, and only one of my sigestions haven't been put into action yet because we haven't downloaded the software for it yet.
    3. Destiny
      Yeah, well I think they just figured they can put it under main music.
    4. Destiny
      Yeah I've asked that before in the past, but I guess I never really pushed it as much as other things. Thinking about it though I'm going to bring that up to admin now.
    5. Destiny
      Well the only music thread I can think of is what are you currently listening to in spam city, but you could probaly make some under enertainment and stuff.
    6. Destiny
      Ummmm ok, well if you remeber let me know, it be intersting to find out who my twin personality is, lol
    7. Destiny
      I wasn't on any otehr forums. Just good ole khplanet. Why who do I remind you of? I'll google it and find out so I can become different again, jk. But odd, what forums were you thinking?
    8. Destiny
      Well not so much forums, just youtube, photobucket, and quizilla. Why?

      And no problem just please try to learn it, it's one of our major rules here.
    9. Destiny
      Hey I'm kind of doing this after I already VM you, but just a little hi thing...

      Hey there! Welcome to the site! I hope to see you around! :)
    10. Destiny
      Hey umm there's something you shouldn't post in a thread a month(3 weeks) or anything on the second page. So please don't do it. I sugest you checking out all the rules and stuff.
    11. Destiny
      You mean the color or award? The color you have to be active. You get an orange name when you have 1000 posts, silver you get it at 3000. The award you need to earn it. There are 3 awards, social by being very social by posting the most in social groups, activity you have to be 100% active, and my award the posting award you get having the most posts.