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Last Activity:
Jan 22, 2019
Jun 18, 2007
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Oct 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
Wales, United Kingdom


Mr. Detective, 34, from Wales, United Kingdom

Avalantos was last seen:
Jan 22, 2019
    1. Mike
      Haha what's all this stuff going on with Autopsy? Seems to be making quite a ruckus with everyone.
    2. Mike
      Things've been good, I'm in the clear I think but my head's still kinda muddly haha. I posted details in that thread when I came back, if you didn't see it. Basically, I had a 'chunk of nothing' on my brain that randomly put pressure on it and gave me some bad headaches, haha. I'm just glad it wasn't something more serious (like cancer), my discomfort is just recovery from surgery...Gotta take some pain meds for another week or two, and then I can put all that stuff behind me.

      I'm starting to RP a bit more and stuff, trying to get back into my usual routine both on and off the computer. I head back to school in a few weeks...this year I'll be going for my masters and working as an instructor/tutor at my university, so I decided to move out. Big changes coming my way, hopefully that's a good thing (:

      How about you? How are you holding these days?
    3. NeRo
      ROFL!!!!! at that banned thread
    4. Autopsy
      haha. got two to leave in two days.
      good shit is good shit.
    5. Autopsy
      lmfao. Yea. When I bought my webcam, I sorta had a blast, what can I say? Vanity streak in me. Hope it's not scaring you away, though. Haha.

      and yea. A lot of people tend to steer clear of MSN.
      But you shouldn't. It's so much faster than these god damn visitor messages.
    6. Autopsy
      camera lover...lol where'd you get that information?

      and I learned the best from Deviant Art and just developed my skills on my own.
      Good tuts are at Tag Monkey, WM Studios and their affiliates.

      you got MSN, pulsebaby?
    7. Autopsy
      Lol like hell.
      That isn't my album at all. That's the infamous Naito on Tag Monkey.

      My albums =
      Photobucket users: Leopardwarhead
      and Chappehero

      In my Chappehero account, guest password is amiwry1
      only look at albums Request Shop and Art Spazzes (older stuff)

      Newer stuff is in Leopardwarhead
    8. Autopsy
      Got some hot shit to show you.
      You ever hear of Tag Monkey or WM Studios, Planet Renders, FFFFound.com, etc?

      check this out:

      and give the other sites a looksie too.
      That's basically the whole e-community of artists right now. I know of other sites, but tag making is the essential of where its at.

      I love KH, but I'm not that big on it either, haha.
      I also don't have a penis, so don't be offended of me slightly hitting on you due to my twisted nature.

      +OJ Simpson, aka Raiden invited me, personally.
      And hopefully I can turn this place around. From the sounds of it, I kinda am, haha.

      just hopes it stays that way.
    9. Autopsy
      Haha. I tend to stir up things wherever I go.
      Specially on KH sites.

      On KHInsider Forums,
      half of the staff hates me, main administrators are crushing on me, and most people love to know what I do by stalking me half the time. Also GFX vet over there.

      On KH3.org Forums,
      first day I joined, I turned the site into a hissy. Now I've revamped the GFX section, and the kids there love my work and fear my critique because..I don't take bullshit.

      On KH-Vids Forums,
      Did the same thing with the GFX section there, basically. Same shit stickied and everything. I also had connections with the mods, haha.
    10. Autopsy
      Ya know, you could just talk to me. haha.
      whats up, darlin?

      I only say that because I noticed you staring at my profile, and Rai thinks you're hot shit.
    11. NeRo
      lol dang i'm sure things will turn around. what was your position.
    12. NeRo
      Ya know i did think about that. You on the anime MB staff?
    13. NeRo
      Yea i know about 3 other friends that cpus' busted on em. well anyway its good to see you around here again. oh and how is Anime MB that's the other site run by TD right?
    14. NeRo
      LoL i requested him personally looks like i did good. Also you better be sticking around more bud. also do you have MSN?
    15. NeRo
      CHA!11 CHA~~ CHA!! you remembered me as Xelhes, Welcome back man. i guess you could tell i've had a restored desire to post again.
    16. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      I don't mind telling you.
      The reason why I'm sad is because one of my band directors that always help me
      out on my problems and is always making me the best one (As ppl say) is moving to another state.
    17. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      I'm doing great for the moment, though sad. Anyways, great to hear that you chose to check your notification. I've been messaging you a whole lot!!!
      So how are you?
    18. Legendseeker
      I'll be sure to let him know about that
    19. Legendseeker
      I gotta let you know, the reason HG thought you gave him the bad rating for his sig was because he thinks your against him since he hates Obama
    20. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hey how's it going?
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  • About

    Oct 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Wales, United Kingdom
    Just Ask If Interested

    Sleeping; Making Sigs; Watching Anime