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Fate of Heaven
Last Activity:
Aug 21, 2009
Aug 6, 2009
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Fate of Heaven

New Member

Fate of Heaven was last seen:
Aug 21, 2009
    1. WayToTheDawn
      awesome i like nearly all those bands too you got msn or anything?
    2. WayToTheDawn
      hey man wassup nice sig I love metallica I'm into music a lot music is my passion what bands do you like?
    3. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      I Youtubed Suicide Machines earlier. So great. Thanks bro.
    4. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      Sounds like a nice collection of music. Hopefully once a music board comes along I can show you what I have better.

      And I've heard of Suicide Machines, but never got around to listening to them. They are on my list.
    5. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      Huge Dream Theater fan. Love Frank Zappa and metallica. Most of them are pretty good though, nothing I would obsess over. I'm more into the indie/grunge scene, with some post-hardcore and more casual listening as well. Prog rock is always great, can't go wrong with classics unless overplayed, and reggae/ska is just awesome
    6. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      I hate when people complain about his voice. His music is great.

      What else do you listen to?
    7. Destiny
      It wasn't my word, I'm just a fired super mod. Plus due to me never remeber song titles and arytists I don't get big on listening to music I rely on the radio for that.
    8. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      It's hard to say. I might have to go with No World for Tomorrow just because of The Hound. But I love every song. Yourself?
    9. Goldfish
      You have introduced me to another band for my likings =]
      Cheerios ^^
    10. Destiny
      We sort of just used the enertainment for it.
    11. Flash Delirium
      Flash Delirium
      Dude Coheed and Cambria is AWESOME
    12. Destiny
      We don't have one yet, but it may be up real soon within the next month or this month.
    13. Destiny
      Hey there! Welcome to the site! I hope to see you around! :)
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    Cannot the Kingdom of Salvation take me home?
