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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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Last Activity:
Apr 30, 2014
Mar 9, 2008
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30•05•2010, from Location: Location:

ü was last seen:
Apr 30, 2014
    1. Nova
      Escada, I miss you! How come you're never on MSN!? Having Kai tell you stuff for me doesn't work so well bc he always forgets. >< teehee
    2. Demyxx
      Thanks!! :D
    3. Overdose
      your gay, i havent spoken to you since sunday. And its wednesday soon to be thursday.
      I started college today, talk to me I miss you.
    4. Overdose
      kupo chan =[ Roxas just died ='[

      First it was Roxas T_T
      Bring him back to life kupo chan ):
    5. Overdose
      why is a ticket to london in may more expensive than august?

      and i should really go pay you a visit
    6. Goldfish
      That's good to hear, if something bad happened, not only will you worry your family and Krish (seperate from the Family >.<) but I as well. Even though you're some stranger from across the pond XD
    7. Goldfish
      Ah well, as long as you didn't hit your head or died, it's all good =]
      My recent (drinkies) made me think about safety, passing out in a "bad" neighbour hood is quite... unsafe =\
    8. Goldfish
      Ahhahaha, Drinking Orgy. Do you remember much of the events or is it all a blur XD
      I can now only imagine what you'll be like on your 18th now XD
    9. Goldfish
      Woo, last year. Make the most of it, you'll look back one day and think "I should have done that!" =P

      So how'd the past 2 days go for you?
      Assuming a fun Birthday bash? =P
    10. Overdose
      chaos wants to talk to escada >:3
    11. Kyuu
      Hey Happy Birthday sweetie. ;] <3
    12. Goldfish
      Thanks, Some money on the side would really help me now (^^;

      Yup, High school blows I've realised. So how many years of school left for you now?
    13. Overdose

      well you can be sweet 16

      I'll be 17again
    14. Overdose
      haha read your bday thread ;D

      your not 16 your really 99
    15. Overdose
      you lying betch
      get your ass on msn
    16. Goldfish
      Where we left off, I don't think it matters too much =P
      And anything here, I'm sure you've already heard of. News for better or for worse, depending on how you look at it or perhaps just plain don't care about it =]
      As for myself, still bumming it out and now looking for work =\
      (or maybe not >.<)
      How have you been lately with the move and junk?
      And Happy Birthday to you (^^;
    17. Goldfish
      Wanted to see where we left off, digging through VM's is too much

      And hi, I don't think I've said anything to you directly since you've come back =\
    18. Overdose
      Okay i've managed to get photoshop running again... but its all glitchy =/
      And im annoyed my first attempt got lost, so i've made some random banner which i'll put up as a temp. Unless you think we should keep it?

      Also post in our rp :3
    19. Overdose
      i was near finishing the banner... then it didnt let me save it. Then photoshop closed by itself. So i've lost it... and now my photoshop is broken =/
    20. Overdose
      okey dokey, love =P
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