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Last Activity:
Oct 27, 2014
Feb 21, 2009
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April 27
Australia Land
Glassy Gent


Cats in the Cradle, from Australia Land

Goldfish was last seen:
Oct 27, 2014
    1. Apocalypse735
      Hopefully the seasons won't get any worse. ;-;
      *Laughs* Really now?! XD You have a super head. 8D
      That is true. :3 It may be falling apart but at least it works, yes?
    2. Apocalypse735
      And a fan with it! =D I kind of hate when seasons mix. >.<
      Ohhh. o_o Well then, I have to admit that would definitely wake someone up. Unless you hit your head too hard and got knocked out. >_>
      ...Mobile phones being held together by tape is brilliant. 8D It saves munny!
    3. Apocalypse735
      That is a lot of sleep, but I agree...it does feel pretty good. XD
      Aw. I guess you got immuned to falling-off-the-bed pain. XD!
      The side could be taped. ^^ I think.
    4. Apocalypse735
      Added on to how much before? o.o
      Ahaha, aww. XD Falling off the bed isn't too pleasant. >_>
      *Whistles* Oh the box should be just fine! ^^
      Box: *One side is torn*
    5. Apocalypse735
      Heat can be a big disadvantage. =/
      Lol, it's okay. xD Hot weather tends to bring out the laziness in people.
      !!! I forgot to do that! *Unships box, transfers it to a bigger box, then reships box*
    6. Apocalypse735
      Ohh. XD Maybe you can find one for cheap somewhere. ^^
      *Hopes it doesn't break* <_<
    7. Apocalypse735
      Ah, we're in the same boat. I have a camera but no cord. XD Though I think I need a better camera anyway.
      *Ships a box* =P
    8. Apocalypse735
      It does.
      Ehehe! XD Smaller boxes is a perk. You still should take a picture of yourself in a box. =D
    9. Apocalypse735
      That is some magnificent hair. <3
      Aww, that's cute! =D Though I guess height is different for guys. I'd rather be on the short side because before everyone got taller than me, I felt so awkward looking down on everyone. XD
    10. Apocalypse735
      I figured it wouldn't mix since it had to do with hair, but they could do cool attacks with their hair! 8D It looks sharp anyway. XD
      Oh, maybe we're the same height then!
      Short people ftw. :cool:
    11. Apocalypse735
      That's halarious. It made me think of attack stats for some reason. XD <3
      I'm not that tall, though it's been a long time since I've been measured. I'd say I'm roughly around 5'3" - 5'5". And I have kind of a short mid-section, so I guess it varies for others. XD
    12. Cameron
      Schools makin me tired and I've got nothing else to do than just drink.

      Works fine with me! n_n
    13. x3pic
      ha alright ill send you a few links sometime soon, after this class most likely, but then again maybe not haha :p

      and dude sneakers? seems like a fair deal
    14. x3pic
      haha no i was saying gotcha, Rawr. :p
      but um yea i usually just type in "new kingdom hearts updates." and BAM! haha it works, but i also go to famitsu, and game stop, i just might send you some things via MSN

      and dude that sucks, im pretty sure im just going to send it to you the day the US one comes out haha :p
    15. x3pic
      I Gotcha :p, Also, we should start updating more information about Kingdom Hearts in the section, there is a lot of new things i want to post, but have no time, so im hoping you can help me out with it, :/, For the longest i have not been excited about Kingdom Hearts, it was just blah, now that BBS is so close to release, im getting excited :D, im pretty thrilled, and i can't wait till the US release date is confirmed so i can die happy :P
    16. EtherealSummoner
      XD *SB, won the posting awards. Use the two awards to overpower Rawr. Stomps him in the head as he talks & be very active in order to rule the site with three awards.* XD I can picture having three already...
    17. IcecreamLink
    18. EtherealSummoner
      XD I wonder who'll win the posting award. I think it'll be me. XD
    19. IcecreamLink
      ahhhhhhhhhhhh epona just ran over me.........
    20. IcecreamLink
      yeah you should but watch out for the bombs!!!!!!!!!!
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  • About

    April 27
    Australia Land
    Glassy Gent



    Everybody Wang Chung Tonight
    Probably don't remember me, but I do you.​