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Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2013
Aug 29, 2007
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Where the stars align in the night sky and all is
annoying you.
    1. Kairi
      Hey :P I haven't talked to you in forever. How've you been?
    2. GrandShadow
      WTF? the void leader is my character and i already had him leave. if you really wanted him to do something then you should've told me and i would've done it. don't just take my character cause even if it is your RP, that's power-playing. the only reason i'm not going to delete that post is because people already replied to it.

      don't break the rules, even in your own RP.
    3. Destiny
      Ok, I'm sort of lost in grimoir granted a lot more time could be spent reading, but busy schedule isn't letting me, so what's going on?
    4. EtherealSummoner
      Grandia20 only posted one sentence in Grimoir!!! OH THE AGONY!!! (Cries on shoulder.
    5. GrandShadow
      so would my characters be accepted in the Grimoir RP?
    6. Kitty
      The image in your signature has been turned into a link because it broke the forum rules- 500 x 200 is the max size. Please resize. XD
    7. EtherealSummoner
      Yea. I know the outcome but I don't think that it would be right to go up and say "You're going to hell." or anything that will offend them. I have a muslim friend but we never bring up anything religious except one time when he believes in one verse in the bible that states that he needs to respect and honor his parents. As for me, I have to be careful about which religion I read and study on because I'm most likely to be influenced by these religions.
    8. EtherealSummoner
      Wiccan? It's ok. My female friend ended up switching back between atheist, christianity and wiccan herself but then she decided to finally go back to be with God. I don't really care about which religion you are anyways because your human and no matter what, I'm supposed to give you the same love that everyone else should receive. I don't have no prejudice or evil bone in my body at all and I would feel real bad if I ever do or think negative thoughts. Didn't know that Draco was Wiccan anyways.
    9. EtherealSummoner
      No como. XD Anyways, I don't think that KHP will ever turn up like KHI but it all depends on who will really will take a stand. I can't do anything about it. How's your fiance anyways?
    10. EtherealSummoner
      I don't even play perfectworld anymore due to lost of interest in it and school. Also, I can talk to him through facebook so I'm not worry at all. XD And what about Kairi Star?
    11. sora-x
      If you all NEED to contact me...Email me at
    12. Zerieth
      Pleasssssssssse come back!!!!!
    13. EtherealSummoner
      I didn't see you in a while. What's up?
    14. EtherealSummoner
      XD Nah. It won't mess up the storyline.
    15. Moogle
      3 lines minimum. Edit your post in the KH3 thread.
    16. Overdose
      you are? I meant the official khp clans. they each have their own forum. Heartless, Unbirths, Keyblade weilders and Nobodies.
    17. Overdose
    18. NeRo
      Well from what i see it looks like you have 413 post
    19. EtherealSummoner
      Ok. I wanted to make sure. Still, if you wanted to do something like that, let me know. I'll use Perfect World to see if he's be hanging around there a lot.
    20. EtherealSummoner
      DX Oh man. We was ready to go straight into the part where King Mickey talks about why he sended a letter to Sora, Kairi, & Riku & you powerplayed by taking sora without asking me what you was about to do. Oh boy. May you please change something around in this part & stage the part of stealing Sora in the latter part of the rp? All of us was ready to end the battle & go straight to one of the important part of the rp & well, there's no reason to add some more battling in the mix. I'm not mad or anything, but was shocked to see this.
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  • About

    Where the stars align in the night sky and all is
    annoying you.
    I am dead...i have been dead for many,many years.



    Over, and Under!, Together, or Apart! Rest in peace, For Eternity!