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Last Activity:
May 29, 2011
Sep 7, 2009
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The last Timelord


New Member, from Gallifrey

Demyxx was last seen:
May 29, 2011
    1. Tsukiyomi
      They're good. I like Darkness.

      Heres a poem of mine.


      My soul has been bleached in darkness.
      Apart of me is normal while the other is deranged and phsycotic.

      I try to get rid of this other side but it just won't leave.
      I fear that I'm becoming something more. Demonic.

      I just want to embrace the light and step out the shadows of my heart.
      Save me. Please.
    2. Tsukiyomi
      Ok........ Anyway I hope it'll turn out ok.
    3. Tsukiyomi
      But the coke always help!
    4. Tsukiyomi
      Thats cool.
    5. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      I'm cool, I can't wait till tonight when Star Wars: The Clone Wars comes on.
    6. Tsukiyomi
      Not much. You?
    7. Tsukiyomi
      I'm doing good.
    8. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Thanks, I just like others opinion on things since they are the ones reading it.
    9. Tsukiyomi
      Hi. How are you?
    10. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Well let me give you some of what I thought of for a back story for the villian. Basicaly he is a wizard raised by wizard parents and starts off as a normal kid. However by the age of 10 he starts to realize about all the bad stuff in the world. He sees the bad stuff humans do. (Wars, pollution, murder, ect.) and begins to question why wizards still protect humans.

      He's questioning starts out innocently but soon he begins to grow in depression at the world around him and slowly his depression turns into anger. Then he begins lashing out against his parents, questioning them with anger. He soon begins to hate humans themselves and even decides to get answers to all the questions, he begins research on how to access the akashik records which will consume his life.

      His parents are soon murdered by a group of humans. When the wizard authorities say they can do nothing to bring justice to the humans because it would risk the whole wizarding society, it only fuels the villians anger.

      He learns to put on an act, to fool everyone into thinking he is not angry and simply a skilled researcher. He rises up in the ranks and becomes one of the most famous wizards of modern day. All the while still continuing his research to find the akashik records and become and all knowing being so he may understand why humans are so evil. Once he has become all knowing he plans to remake the universe in his image to make the universe how he wants it, a universe of his idea of perfection.
    11. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      I want the main villian to be similar to Aizen in the sence that he seems like a good guy for a large part of the series but is really a bad guy and later betrays everyone. However I want him to be similar to Xemnas too, but also have be a sympathetic villian so that the fans/viewers would feel sorry for him but still get excited when the time comes for the hero and the villian to face off in the final battle.
    12. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      lol, you really think so? I never thought my ideas were all that great.
    13. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Yep, took me a year to come up with that, and this is just the basic plot.

      Imagine what it will be like once I come up with characters, villians, and different sagas.

      I was thinking for the first saga I could make it not too complicated. A rich man who happens to be a wizard, hires a group of of rouge wizards to do some kind of evil plot. (Not sure what yet). The main hero and the leader of this rouge group get a type of rivalry and fight only to learn that the rouge leader had his parents killed by who he assumed was a human when he was younger, but in fact it was the rich wizard who killed his parents so that the rouge leader guy would use his anger to become stronger as an adult.
    14. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      However I still haven't come up with a villian. I want him to be similar to Aizen but not too similar.

      I also have a back story in mind. thousands of years ago wizards of light and dark fought in a great war. The dark wizards harmed humans, while light wizards tried to stop them. In the end the light wizards sealed the dark wizards into another dark dimmension.

      However humans began to hate all magic users forcing even the light wizards into hiding (And this is where all the stories about magic and stuff comes from, that we still read today.)

      Over time magic was forgotten from history and fell into the realm of fantasy, destined to be thought of as fairy tales by humans.

      Black holes are actually portals that open off and on that lead to this dark realm where the dark wizards were banished. Since the dark wizards have been there in that realm for so long, they lost human form and became a type of shadow creature. So when a black hole opens one of these creatures may get loose on earth (In the manga, some of these creatures may include things like big foot, or the chupacabra.)

      Light wizards even though they were forced into hiding thousands of years ago still protect humans, knowing humans are not evil. So light wizards usualy deal with these monsters.
    15. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Took me awhile to come up with it. Bleach was my inspiration but I wanted it to be different so I decided to use Wizards instead of soul reapers and magic instead of spirit energy.

      Then I decided I didn't want a thing similar to the 13 captains, so I decided to have the wizards be united under some underground magic society but they don't fuction like soul society. Wizards live among humans but when trouble arises they can use their wizard powers at anytime.

      The magic swords aren't like zanpukato, basicaly they are similar to magic wands. These swords can channel magic energy through them and are much stronger than an average sword when powered by magic.
    16. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      lol, hey tell me what you think of this idea for a manga. Imagine something a little like bleach but with wizards, except they don't look like wizards. They wield swords of magic called Mucros, and look like modern humans but have magic powers.

      Basicaly they protect normal humans from evil wizards who wish to do something bad or from other evil beings.

      What do you think?
    17. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Morning? It's late afternoon where I live, lol.
    18. Arnheln
      What's wrong? Why do you hate it?
    19. Arnheln
      Why's that?
    20. Arnheln
      HELLO POPPET. How are you today little one?
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  • About

    The last Timelord
    I am a British schitzophrenic KH fanatic!!! :D I am Immortal!

    Getting into trouble, hanging out with my band and eating Ramen!


    *Insert random shizzle here*