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Last Activity:
May 29, 2011
Sep 7, 2009
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The last Timelord


New Member, from Gallifrey

Demyxx was last seen:
May 29, 2011
    1. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      No matter what I do, people just ignore me and they think they can do whatever they want. I.....don't want you to die.
    2. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Because it will drive me insane with worry and depression, I care for you
    3. Cloaked Schemer
    4. Cloaked Schemer
      Cloaked Schemer
      uh-oh, I don't trust this "extra-credit" *gulp*.
    5. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      No it's not, death is never the answer. Making the world better is how you make sure no one goes through what you have been through, please don't do this to yourself, don't do this to me.
    6. Cloaked Schemer
      Cloaked Schemer
      Thankee. We were only thinking of meeting up in the park. Then over the weekend she wants me to play Badminton with. NEVER PLAYED. :(
    7. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      That's a damn lie! Bin Laden, Hitler, those are people who should die not someone like you, you're hurt I can see that, i'm hurting too but I refuse to die, I am not giving up on my dreams and you're a human just like me so if I can be strong and fight on then so can you, if you need to live, you can do good things, don't die, don't put yourself down, you're better than that.
    8. Cloaked Schemer
      Cloaked Schemer
      Haha, it's cool- and I'll try not to :D

      Ugh, you're right, I really shouldn't... but... SHE'S SO PURTY!!! :D :D :D
    9. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Because you are a person, you deserve happiness and I care for you, your friends on the site care for you, you're my friends and friends don't let their friends kill eachother. I don't care if I haven't met you or not, you are my friend, you are a fellow human being, stop the death, no more death, live your life and help make it better, I love you and everyone else on the planet, and I don't want you or anyone else to die, I can't take anymore death.
    10. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      No wait, please don't do that, please i'll do anything to keep you from doing that, don't kill yourself please!
    11. Cloaked Schemer
      Cloaked Schemer
      What'cha talkin' 'bout- I am sick. :confused:
    12. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      WHAT? NO please don't do that!
    13. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      What? What's the "Hmmmmm....." about?
    14. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      No, that's not true. You and everyone will be perfect and our loves one have passed away will be alive and we will all be happy.
    15. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Don't say that, if I achieve my goal then you along with everyone will never feel bad again. You won't be able to feel sadness because it wont exist anymore.
    16. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Try to imagine a world where no one ever cries again. That is my goal, a perfect world.
    17. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Well why would you want bad things? That's why they are called "Bad things". Who cares if life is boring? We would all be safe in a perfect world and we would never hurt again, that would be wonderful. No more bad stuff just peace and perfection all the time, no more loss, no more fear, just peace.
    18. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      I think i'm developing a God complex, I don't know why I was made with such an obsession with making the world a perfect place.
    19. Soul Knight
      Soul Knight
      Depressed really.
    20. Beloved
      *grin* I'm waiting. *stares at your eyes*
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  • About

    The last Timelord
    I am a British schitzophrenic KH fanatic!!! :D I am Immortal!

    Getting into trouble, hanging out with my band and eating Ramen!


    *Insert random shizzle here*