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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      nice dude, r u writing your own stuff or covering a song?
    2. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      nm bro, doin hw and tired from wrestling practice, you?
    3. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      thats good, i think we can start.
    4. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      well the "hero" thing is kinda self hearted but i like it, your still under me when it comes to the squad though LOL
    5. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      you and schemer both, we got 5 squad members and we're ready to start.
    6. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      yup, i need the last hunter to start so, i'd recommend it
    7. The Heartless King
    8. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      hey, you wanna join my new rp?
    9. Kyuu
      Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be gone for a while, so I won't be able to reply the RP. I have swimming competition and I leave tomorrow.. so you can keep my character with the story. I'll be back on monday.
    10. dualblade
      Alright then.I will tell Cloaked and start editing my posts.If you need any deleted jsut tell Cloaked and he will aske Moogle,or just ask Moogle yourself.
    11. dualblade
      I control Zidane,Zero,and Vice.Zidane and Zero are good,Zidane at Uphen's and Zero at Hyrule.Vice is on Chastro's side and is fighting Tidus on Besaid Island while DG soilders fight the rest of the group that is there (Currently ex-Crusaders,New Yevon,and Youth Legue,along with Wakka and Lulu.Auron is of course already dead by now,Rikku just got pulled into Uphen's world,and be determined,though not on Besaid.)
    12. dualblade
      Yea,I compltely forgot you were getting into his castle,not Uphen' changes are needed.Mine are easy,just use my other two characters,but i dont know what you will do...hmm,maybe opening up the crack with your powers casued a dark portal to open that managed to send you to Uphen's castle?
    13. dualblade
      We have a problem.You are at Chastor's,not Uphen';s as I have been told.
    14. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Elm St. one is all done. Join and see for yourself!
    15. dualblade
      Turned in my 4th essay for english comp today,did a speech in public speaking.Sucked completly,but the next speech costs the most and is said to be one of the easier ones,so I can make up for it.And music theory is alright,though I have a sightsinging test tomorrow.So not much really.
    16. dualblade
      I see....................... dd
    17. dualblade
      Heh,I get that.
    18. dualblade
      So what about tener sax?Lol
    19. dualblade
      I am currently learning piano,and will probably learn at least another instrument or two.I can sorta play guitar and drum set,but not well.As in suckage until I actually practice,which I just might doing right starting durin winter break.I also want to learn to play violin now.
    20. dualblade
      Id bet so.Though if the rain stops or is light enough,you can briefly let go of your instrument and go superman on us with your poncho.Thats what are Saxs did on the one game that did rain on us before marching,then got really light by the end of the first song.
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  • About

    Writer, filmmaker, musician.


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    Infinite is such a pointless word. Everything has a beginning, and in the end, death shall surely claim us all.
    The question is, will he claim us as just another soul, or as an equal?

    My youtube channel I am currently a part of!