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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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Last Activity:
Feb 26, 2012
May 9, 2008
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New Member

Magilicudy was last seen:
Feb 26, 2012
    1. Nova
      Stupid Gank.
    2. RebelMurf
      Haha, sounds good to me xD I suppose...but would it matter if it didn't? I mean who really cares what I think xD
    3. RebelMurf
      Haha, Well with logic like that I suppose I'm just gonna have to put up with it aren't I xD

      Ranger deadly is...well, he's a ranger and he's deadly I suppose xD
      I got the idea from a song I heard in a game I was playing xD
    4. RebelMurf
      Haha, Didn't you know I stopped being Jewish? Got to much slack for it off people xD
      I was going to be Ranger Deadly, because.. well im awesome xD But I didn't want to be told something like it would stretch the screen so I just put Ranger xD
      But I do have a shiny badge. Want one?
      By the way change your theme. I can't see what im writing. so If there are any words that don't make sense its your fault :P
    5. Nova
      you are so mean to me.
    6. Colonel Caboose
      Colonel Caboose
      As beatiful as ever, except for the giant Italian nose. If you give me a few years, I could be Luigi!
    7. Colonel Caboose
      Colonel Caboose
      Hello my Princess. How are you today?
    8. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Perhaps. Pity we'll never know. Too bad. I could use some suprises too.
    9. Colonel Caboose
    10. Colonel Caboose
      Colonel Caboose
      Oh I wouldn't give it long before he does know. You can't hide nothing forever. But no worries that hasn't stopped the Queen before.
    11. Colonel Caboose
      Colonel Caboose
      Just messin with ya, except you must like this one, because your using it.
    12. Colonel Caboose
      Colonel Caboose
      So I hear you have a problem with The Ocarina.
    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I don't know. Only the most suprising of things seem to suprise me anymore.
    14. Nova
      You are silly, no go play somewhere else *shoes away*
    15. Nova
      You arent! You are an albino redhead who burns too easy. Teehee.

      And I thought you stopped playing with barbies.
    16. Nova
      and quit writing hahaha. That is my thing :p
    17. Nova
      hahaha no its because I couldn't figure out a way to lower my intellegence enough to be able to talk to you on my level and I didn't know how to speak shallow barbiedoll so I just gave up on you :p
    18. Nova
      I think you should finish this application for me. >.<
    19. Nova
      You're so mean. And stop lying to DW we all know you're FAT! hehe jk. <3
    20. EtherealSummoner
      Hey Magi. What's going on? Like that background of yours.
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