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Last Activity:
Oct 23, 2010
Jun 12, 2009
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Mar 11, 1991 (Age: 33)
In the middle of a Sandstorm.
None currently


I accept your challange., 33, from In the middle of a Sandstorm.

GrandShadow was last seen:
Oct 23, 2010
    1. Haresuno
      Hey, Blazegraves Mamodo abilities resemble that of an already existing character. Is that okay?
    2. Nova
      Sorry about that. It really sucks when that happens >.>
    3. Nova
      Sorry. I forgot about your question the first time. >.<

      Anyway I looked through and I couldnt find anything that was deleted. It may be an affect of the lag. Did you make sure that you saw that it got posted before you left the page?
    4. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      yes, remake him. The next part in saga is going to be about The Nobodies, the "Weapons of Nothing". Some of these guys'll be good, but mostly bad. Ailumar is one of them. They are all reincarnations of the old Organization 13. Isuke can replace Xemnas though. Since Xemnas was Terra's Nobidt to begin with. So it'll be Isuke's nobody that returns. Do you get it? But how about u create another character that is the soul of Isuke. Like when Key did what he did, he ripped Isuke's soul apart from is body. So a Nobody and a Heartless coexist. Do you get it? But he did it so your soul would turn away from darkness, and that all the darkness would go with the body. play with it whatever way you like. But having 2 versions of your Isuke character would be nice. Also, if you'd like to make new characters for any of the old Org mambers, go ahead and do so.
    5. Nova
      Cause my friends missed this one and tba I wasn't too fond of Nozomi after a while.
    6. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      ok, cool cool
    7. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      Dawn wants to restart Kingdom Hearts Keys of War. Idk if you remember that RP, but you did play the devils advocate/bad guy in most of it.
      Just letting you know, and we'd love to have you back. I'ma restart it soon.
    8. Destiny
      Your and my character didn't go though, we stayed on Earth.
    9. Destiny
      alright, just checking because we're going to have the human characters go to Yulenia now.
    10. Destiny
      Hey are you doing Powers? 2?
    11. Destiny
      haha, I should probably put something in my sig about that, thanks though
    12. Haresuno
      I don't see why not.
    13. Haresuno
      Ah, rivals in the sense that both are aiming to be the best guild out there.
    14. Haresuno
      Actually I was planning on a combination, but that sounds good as well. What's your guild about?
    15. Become
      Likely, he'd best be on the island.
    16. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Thanks :3

      I promise you'll like it. Make sure you subscribe to it :3
    17. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
    18. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Would you like to join the official pokemon social group o-o
    19. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
    20. InugamiGod
      Actually I forogt about it. I'll join soon.
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  • About

    Mar 11, 1991 (Age: 33)
    In the middle of a Sandstorm.
    None currently
    I love games and anime.

    Games, Anime (Bleach mostly), Manga and RPs


    Need a Mew? Nintendo will be distributing a special Mew for HeartGold & SoulSilver to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the original Gold & Silver versions! It will be level 5 and only know the move Pound, perfect for raising your ideal Mew. The event begins Friday, Oct. 15 and ends Oct 30. It's over the Wi-Fi so make sure your DS connects to the internet!
    Source: Mew distribution starts on October 15th - Bulbanews