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  3. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't khplanet.com anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
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emo kairi
Last Activity:
Oct 16, 2009
Jun 25, 2008
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Trophy Points:
Aug 2, 1992 (Age: 32)
I despair of your memories...

emo kairi

New Member, 32, from I despair of your memories...

emo kairi was last seen:
Oct 16, 2009
    1. emo kairi
      emo kairi
      heya guys, still don't have a damn pc... stupid lyf expenses are hard to keep up with. however though, i will keep my promise and try my hardest to get a pc fast!!! thanx for all those ppl who are sending me messages and requests, thank you heaps!!! and when i get my pc, i will be more active than ever.
    2. soraluvr581911
      lookn for buiddies!
    3. KH_Fangirl_75
      Happy belated birthday. I don't know who you are, I've never spoken to you before, but I'm just following knightofdarkness's lead. I don't know knightofdarkness either...urg.
    4. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      happy birthday Emo Kairi

      i dont know you but happy birthday Just wanted to be the first to say it
    5. Goldfish
      Ahh, haven't seen you in while.
      Assuming 2 posts down, you suffered without a PC?
    6. emo_gurl_14
    7. emo kairi
      emo kairi
      Im banned from this site but i will try getting on every now an then... soz guys and please dont cancel my registration cus im getting a pc of my own soon
    8. sora riku mickey
      sora riku mickey
      cool albums cosplay maga and anime is cool
    9. erolsz
      I made a BRAND NEW forum:

      I don't have a lot of members in my forum,
      Can you please join my forum and be active and post, with another forum members? PLEASE!

      - If you want become a moderator you must don't break the rules and post active. WE SEARCHING FOR MODERATORS NOW!

      - You can Register BELOW the forum banner.

      - If you logged on the forum you can change your profile, BELOW the forum banner 'My Control'

      I hope you join us forum,
    10. LivingDeath
      Aww man...
      When you will active again? :(