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Last Activity:
Oct 2, 2013
Jun 19, 2009
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Mowing Lawns


Steam is the only way...., from Seattle

VentusSearcher was last seen:
Oct 2, 2013
    1. Overdose
      Exams, other A levels, research papers and projects, university stuff and blahhh. Hahah. I have a week of not so much work, so i may be here for a week or so (:
    2. Overdose
      Haha, thought I'd come have a quick visit for old times sakes. found a bit of spare time and started wondering what I use to do before i was so busy. I ended up here lol.

      Its been ages, how are you?
    3. Zero
      I got to play it today. I just beat the final boss for chapter 11. I got him down in 8 mins and 40 secs. I used Light, Sazh, and Vanille. anyhow, I'm about to enter Eden... Any Suggestions?
      and how many missions have u done... I have done all 28 so far... working on 29 right now. Only 3 or 4 I can't remember i haven't got a 5 start. So that's good and did u repair that robot way back at the houses, i did, it gave me great stuff. I got at least 600,000 gil now because of it.
    4. Zero
      I haven't got far. I'm only at the cave's been busy you know... but I'm playing it later, you? how far are you.
    5. Goldfish
      The unofficial one. Maybe official one at the end of the year?
      I'll doodle one up one paper first to list out awards. Not sure how many awards I can come up with due to recent little activity. We'll see how it goes.
    6. Destiny
      Well do the nominations now. then in the winter time do more nominations and between the two groups do voting
    7. Destiny
      I'm not in charge of it, so go ahead, but that competition usually doesn't happen until December(around the Oscar's and stuff) and lasting through February
    8. GrandShadow
      same here. i plan on seeing the movie when it comes out. while i'm feeling iffy about a couple actor choices(namely Zuko and Sokka) i think the movie will be pretty good.
    9. GrandShadow
      nothing. just bored and i'm watching the Avatar: Last Airbender anime series
    10. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I don't know. As I recall, Libertine was the one doing it. Talk to him.
    11. dualblade
      Ah,right.No,I havnt played it,though a friend of mine has it.He likes it,and I think it looks good.He will probably let me borrow it when he beats it.
    12. dualblade
      UCDF? Which game?
    13. dualblade
      I usually dont look at my trophies,just play.Its fun.
    14. dualblade
      I play alot?Im a video gamer,I play games alot,more so when I like em.
    15. dualblade
      Really?Ok,Im getting on laterto play a game,I'll see if it got to me then.
    16. axel2000
      sorry i meant how do i get a picture on my page
    17. axel2000
      hey how do t get a picture on my pae
    18. Become
      As I believe I've said, this RP is focusing on a 'class' of new Keybearers, otherwise known as Students. The intention is to carry these characters through their education as Keybearers to become either Knights or Masters. Most likely, I will be stopping the education portion of the RP with them becoming Knights, if it is fated to go so far. So yes, if part 1 is successful on this run, then we'll be playing as Apprentices in the second part. It's all about character building really.
    19. EtherealSummoner
      XD I know that Spam City is the Members Lounge. I just didn't want to put my coming back thread in the introduction section.
    20. EtherealSummoner
      I'm doing good. -_- You can read my coming back thread in the Members Lounge as to why I'm not on so much. I have great roleplay ideas too along with some other things.
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    Mowing Lawns
    Life is looking up for me.

    Hockey, Guitar, Video Game's, Oboe, Tenor Sax, Clarinet, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, FUN!
