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Mythril Roxas
Last Activity:
May 4, 2011
Sep 9, 2008
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in a van down by the river, lol
I'm a secret agent of the KGB.....0.o

Mythril Roxas

New Member, from in a van down by the river, lol

Mythril Roxas was last seen:
May 4, 2011
    1. Destiny
      Ok awsome, PM me the plot/ story for the second one. Maybe if you want skip some time ahead, except I think after Raven rests some, he and Nicky should talk.
    2. Destiny
      Do you have the plot for the second one and stuff, I can do the split RP for you, if you'd like. Plus to tell the truth I'm hooked on this RP.
    3. Destiny
      Well you should do it for this one as well.
    4. Destiny
      A split RP is just one OOC and RP thread, but it has many RP's in it. It's meant for RP's that have short stories in it. I know in NEw Organization: De Ja Vu we used it. If you just do that and have your RP a short one and plan to add others you should use that method. So don't create a new OOC/ SU thread or RP for the second one. Just post the next plot down in the OOC thread and in the RP then we built off from there.
    5. Destiny
      Hey with the RP you're better off doing something I call a split RP, a RP which contains 2 small RP's in one.
    6. LivingDeath
      hey dude, i have a plan for your RP

      How about, Exyk has connection to Roxas, while Eagle has connection to Axel?
    7. Ta-Chan
      Not so sure yet, But It's easy to navigate after being on other forums
    8. Ta-Chan
      yes, I am new
    9. fishy smells
      fishy smells
      Hey man, whassup?
    10. Destiny
      Ummmm ok, you sort of need to have that even if you have "A connection with Master Xehanort's apprentice"
    11. merlinosheep
      ey, thanks for the comment man! I live in Holland so it's nice to see someone likes my writing skills =D
    12. Angel
      Do you want to know what Xion truly is???
      Or do you want to wait for the release.
    13. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      u said: is that what i hink it is!" looking at my keyblade.
    14. Destiny
      What? huh? I don't remeber saying that, I'll go look.
    15. Destiny
      No prob, just make sure you fix your post.
    16. Destiny
      Angel landed on top of Vice
    17. Destiny
      Well your way is the wrong way, which makes me have to embracet he rules more, meaning I'll be moderating your posts and anything less then 4 sentences or 3 lines is going to be deleted.
    18. Destiny
      You've been the only one who's been fighting that rule. There's been a few others, but they had a good excuse because of things in personal lives, like Hope and her arm, but even then she writes an essay for a post. Everyone has adjusted to the new rule just not you. So you better begin working on it.
    19. Destiny
      No they're NOT!
    20. Destiny
      No they're not, they're not neccesary. Infact they shouldn't ever be posted, the minium ever should be 4 sentences, a paragraph, but if you post that all the time, then that's breaking the rules, for every 4 sentences post you should have 5, 6 sentence posts.
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  • About

    in a van down by the river, lol
    I'm a secret agent of the KGB.....0.o
    love to write, play music, play B-ball, and judo.

    judo, B-ball


    All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - Thomas Jefferson
    Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain. - Mark Twain
    Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more. - Nicola Tesla

    CHECK OUT THIS RP!!!!! NOW!!!!