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Mythril Roxas
Last Activity:
May 4, 2011
Sep 9, 2008
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in a van down by the river, lol
I'm a secret agent of the KGB.....0.o

Mythril Roxas

New Member, from in a van down by the river, lol

Mythril Roxas was last seen:
May 4, 2011
    1. Crescendo
      Hi! I was wondering... Your new RP, Streets of Emotionz... Are you going to plan every battle and the place of each one in the history?
      I have no problem with that! Really! I just find that way too hard, but that way you are sure to make such a great RP!
    2. Destiny
      Hey I ended up getting your msn on my thing, and I got it added so when you get on and stuff try to log in, I never log off of msn, well except for at night.
    3. Destiny
      It won't work, I may or may not be on, I'll try to be on by 1pm est maybe a little earlier. I got a lot of ideas and stuff. If possible before I forget some I prefer you post one last time.
    4. Destiny
      Your yahoo account won't work on msn, you need an msn account or hotmail account. I'd get on ebuddy, but that's not working neither, so I can't access my yahoo and aim accounts. Maybe you can try add my msn to your contact, it won't work for me.
    5. Destiny
      Alright cool, can you reply to my PM?
    6. Destiny
      You able to post at least? Also it won't let me put in your yahoo account, I have to get on ebuddy so just a second
    7. Destiny
      I don't got face book so don't. If you can get on msn when I'm on that be great though.
    8. Destiny
      Hey do you have an msn account? Also can you reply to my PM please.
    9. Destiny
      Hey make sure you check out my PM, kind of important.
    10. GrandShadow
      yep you did. me and Kairi Star both made a new character and you said both were accepted. i'll go make my first IC post on this site.
    11. GrandShadow
      yeah. you accepted him to. i think. let me go check.
    12. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      did u make a character for Keys of War? I forgot.
    13. GrandShadow
      would it be alright if i made a post in Keys of War?
    14. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to the most Famous part of Cambodia, Siem Reap, The Angkor Wat. My legs fell apart after I went there.
    15. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hey Mythril!!!! How's it going!!!
    16. Destiny
      Ok just post when you got time, that be great.
    17. Destiny
      You able to post in a bit I have to go.
    18. Mythril Roxas
      Mythril Roxas
      oh, then I'll do both, its okay.
    19. Destiny
      Ok well she's at Raven's door.
    20. Destiny
      How should I post and Nicky since you're going reback in time and in the other one you told Nicky not to leave him.
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  • About

    in a van down by the river, lol
    I'm a secret agent of the KGB.....0.o
    love to write, play music, play B-ball, and judo.

    judo, B-ball


    All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - Thomas Jefferson
    Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain. - Mark Twain
    Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more. - Nicola Tesla

    CHECK OUT THIS RP!!!!! NOW!!!!