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Last Activity:
Jul 3, 2009
Jul 18, 2008
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Puerto Rico
Looking for one


Kichi's Squall Leon, from Puerto Rico

Locogabitron was last seen:
Jul 3, 2009
    1. EtherealSummoner
      *Sigh*... .... ...
    2. EtherealSummoner
      -_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- *Sigh*
    3. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Come back Loco. We need you!!!
    4. EtherealSummoner
      -________- I definitely miss you...
    5. EtherealSummoner
      Bloop bloop bloop. Oh well. Don't know if you would come back but I am thinking about making your profile as my base for my roleplay ideas. Really wish that you would just stay.
    6. Master Sora
      Master Sora
      Our memories will still be there in our hearts forever. Don't lose sight of them
    7. Master Sora
      Master Sora
      Loco!!! D: I miss you! I havent seen you forever. I wish you would come back. I know you remember me... Sora ^-^ We all miss you dude. I wish you could at least visit to check up on us. See ya loco
    8. Zero
      Dude....Remember how much fun we used to have on here?? You need to come back..
      I know you'll never see this but i hope you do. Since you don't know I had a name change
      it's Darkslayers... We used to be good pals....
      Now come back...:(
    9. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      I guess, things can't go as you want it to be. Memories are scattered everywhere. Just as scattered Dreams. There are so many, you can't line them together completely. Dreams don't come true if you want it to..
      Loco, I miss everything.
      I know, you won't even take a look at this, but I can't help to not post this..
    10. Ventus
      You should come back Loco.
    11. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Loco, I miss you really much.
      I miss all the great days you, Kichi, Kyuu, DoD, KairiStar, annyssrr, draco009 and I had spent together.
      I wish everything came back.....
    12. dualblade
      While it may not always be that way,Loco said he wont be coming back.The memories hurt.While Im glad you guys want him back...I hope you respect this as well.
    13. EtherealSummoner
      :( Hope you come back... ... ... ...
    14. EtherealSummoner
      DX I hope you come back. I miss you. Your pet pheonix still blue...
    15. Master Sora
      Master Sora
      Loco?? Where are you? I haven't talked to you in forever!!
    16. EtherealSummoner
      :( When're You Comin Baack?! :( When're You Comin Back! Your Pet Pheonix Misses Yew!!
    17. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hello Loco, I'm really sorry of what happened. If you drop-by by any chance, please message me!!!!
    18. Zero
      Man I miss you! Plz message me when you get on..I remember everything we've talked about and I missed those days..
    19. Destiny
      You sure you'll be alright? I'm really sorry loco...
    20. Destiny
      I'm sorry loco, if you need suposrt and stuff trump, rawr, and I are on msn.
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  • About

    Puerto Rico
    Looking for one
    Im a fan of Kingdom Hearts. I always found the story line very interesting.

    Play Violin


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    My Heart will always be yours Kichi <3
    I'll always be Cloud and Roxas.. Always

    Kichigai will be my girl always here, and I will never forget about her. Not in a million years.. The best thing about me is her. I am her Squall Leon.

    RoxasXRiku: Continue my living legacy to add games. Thanks Roxas, for everything and make the Arcade the best place for entertaining

    All of you.. In my Memories