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  2. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
Last Activity:
Nov 17, 2010
Oct 4, 2010
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Kempton, IN


New Member, from Kempton, IN

ace was last seen:
Nov 17, 2010
    1. Goldfish
      Keep going and you may end up being a mod =] (if we need any more)
    2. Goldfish
      I'll keep an eye out for it.
      A simple line saying "I agree" is just not enough, Most people (including myself) would like to see a reason as to why they are against or for the topic.
      Getting out of control and taking things to heart can;t really be changed. We could say "chill out" or something similar but the that person may have had experience with the topic. I can't really change that one (as annoying as it may be at times)
      The profanities, It's already been discussed multiple times. We say stop, and about a month late, it continues. but I guess we live in a time where it's perhaps okay to say a few words of those kind. As long as no one is using it to put another person down, I think it's fine. example; "shit hits the fan". I'm not saying you or anyone else should do it, I'm just saying that it's sometimes alright.
    3. EtherealSummoner
      Not real sure which one you would like so I made two of them.


    4. Goldfish
      Do tell, I haven't been so active as of late. You're able to report things if you want and we can do something about it. (Hey, I mod over the general area, so you can tell me things =P)
    5. Goldfish
      Being here a while, getting well known for ones acts and displays that goes for the site. In other words, being a good loyal member to this site. Sure there are many who are good loyal members but other factors come in place as well.
      What section would you mod? What can you do? Why should you become one of the staffers? What have you done in the past for the site? Do we need anymore staffers? etc etc.
      At the moment we have enough mods, smods and admins, but if you wait around perhaps you'll get a chance when we need more. Sometimes we hand pick them through staff discussions, but most of the time we have trials and sign ups.
    6. EtherealSummoner
      I can try to make you a better organization person avatar if you want.
    7. Namine Lonsinger
    8. EtherealSummoner
      OOOOOOOO! Very dark...
    9. EtherealSummoner
      Boom boom boom. you should make your background organizy.
    10. Moogle
      Just ask a mod to do that. You can't delete your own threads until you achieve elite/veteran status.
    11. Destiny
      Hi Ace, welcome to KHPlane!
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  • About

    Kempton, IN
    I'm a kind of quiet kid but i am quite out-going around my friends.

    Magic, Playing games, gambling


