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Last Activity:
Dec 27, 2010
Oct 17, 2010
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Kingdom Hearts!
Being Nothing; Seeking Everything!


New Member, from Kingdom Hearts!

DESTATI was last seen:
Dec 27, 2010
    1. Moogle
      Hello? Is anybody there? I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you still alive?

      /end Portal references.
    2. Moogle
    3. Destiny
      Segment? ................
    4. Moogle
      But of course! It'd be silly for me to post a new idea without running it by the RP leader first. Tho', I've had bad experiences about that before.
    5. Moogle
      Inspiration awaits nobody, and I just have to write this one out before I got to bed. If you have no plans for that bottle Airi sent out, I've got an idea. In my backstory, I had mentioned that Traverse Town had been built over, leaving the original town like catacombs under Rome. Now, going with the principle that all worlds are connected by oceans, my character would find the bottle in the original town's fountain. Of course, he'd be stuck down there because he fell through a hole or something like that. Dunno, I'm just rambling at this loin. Creative fuel run low and all that. G'night.
    6. Destiny
      It's no problem, still my appologies as I can, you can try puting alot of space between each itms(I usully do this with my own personal posts).

      Anyways, I was wondering of your opinion of the first post for Airi
    7. Destiny
      Oh my appologies, I'm not really quite sure how to, my deepest appologies (and I will have a look to try to). I'm truly sorry about that. It will not happen again though
    8. Moogle
      Have I mentioned that I love you?
    9. Moogle
      Wonderful! How shall I start, if I am to start now? A post of Lias where he is or something jumping into the action?
    10. Moogle
      'M glad to see it almost ready for action.
    11. Moogle
      Well, looking over, Sasi has (in her current and finally written form) has never been used. Her character prior was something different entirely, so I'd have to say that the is plenty 'new'. As for Jericho, I've only used her for one post, total.
    12. Moogle
      Thank you for the review, though I have posted a response I suggest you look at. Her character is. . . unique, for this forum anyways.

      The fact that you write so WELL. That, and you are an accomplished RPer from what I can tell. My other favorite active member is Zhyraid (for the same reasons).
    13. DESTATI
      Imagine: Kingdom Hearts ending cut scene styled graphics the whole game!!! They did it with God Of War III, they pulled it off for FF13, so why not KHIII!
    14. Ventus
      its chrispen8! Welcome! KH3 WILL come to PS3!!!! I have been renting MAG but i will buy it at some point!
    15. EtherealSummoner
      HELLOOO DESTATI!! Very nice to meet you! After you get done registering, make sure that you make a lot of friends here, compete in tournaments, play in the arcade, and POST POST POST!! I am Brandon. Tis a pleasure to meet you.
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  • About

    Kingdom Hearts!
    Being Nothing; Seeking Everything!
    A Saga of Heart's Light and it's Shadow



    Ciò che hai perduto. Diventerà uno solo!

    This world has been connected,
    tied to the darkness, soon to be completely eclipsed.
    All worlds begin in darkness and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it. It grows, consumes it. Such is its nature.