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Last Activity:
Feb 26, 2025
Aug 24, 2007
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Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 39)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 39, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Feb 26, 2025
    1. RebelMurf
      Haha, I'm the same. Only I can remember certain quotes from video games etc. but i can't remember what my mom said to me yesterday xD
      If i saw her yesterday that is...

      I'm pretty glad I am as well. I was thinking I wouldn't bother with them but my brother convinced me other wise and i'm pretty glad he did. But that happened to me with the Twilight serious. I was reading the books and was quite enjoying them, until the movies came out. I didn't bother to read the third one xD
    2. RebelMurf
      I hadn't really noticed it to tell the truth. I can't really recall the first few movies to tell the truth so I could really judge. I have terrible memory when it comes to most things xD
      I suppose one disadvantage about watching the movies first is it doesn't leave much room to get an idea for the character yourself. Your impression of them is very much based of the moives. Well, except for Dudley who is the size of a baby wale in the fourth book.
      And I suppose you're right, it is cool to get the surprise. My brother, who read all the books before seeing the movie say's that he can enjoy them, as long as he isn't comparing them to the books while doing so.
    3. RebelMurf
      I unfortunately only started reading the books recently, Although I have to agree with what you say. Emma Watson doesn't make a good Hermione, or so far I'm told, she's to good looking xD
      But I really wish I had read them before going to see the movies, because I now kind of know what to expect. But it is pretty sweet when something you think is going to happend doesn't and its alot better than it was in the movie.
      I'm currently reading the Goblet of Fire. I'm hoping to have them all read before the second part of Deathly Hallows comes out.
    4. RebelMurf
      Ah makes sense xD
      i used to be the same, leaching off of my neighbours, it was working brilliant as well, until they had eventually put a password on it... I think i might have been using it to often or something.

      Judging from your avi your a harry potter fan. What do you think of the books compared to the movies?
    5. RebelMurf
      Why've you no internet at home?

      And i figuired you would change it when you had a chance =]
    6. RebelMurf
      Thanks for the name change. I would have repped you but it says i have to spread it around first.

      Haha, just realized that could sound abit dodgy xD
    7. ADogX
      hey Toph there's something i've been wondering about.i was wondering if,seeing as i'm new,show everyone on the site a KH story i've been working on.it doesn't really involve around Nobodies or Disney characters. it mainly involves around anime worlds,and some FF7.if u wanna talk privately about it just let me know.but u might be more busy but it's worth a shot.
    8. Remedy
      hi toph
      i have some questions about roleplays
      im wanting to do one with some people
      so im looking for auditions and stuff
      but first i need to go and make a profile right?
    9. Become
      In reference to the last thread closed over in the Suggestions (and probably risk of stepping out of my boundaries), I do believe that the "problem to be sorted out" is the TD situation. Not saying that real life isn't a big deal (since it is), but in all honesty, it seems as though people have been holding tight for some things to happen for quite some time, and the person who, for the most part, has the power to make it happen is absent.
    10. Remedy
      hey toph just a weird question
      how do u guys become admins and mods? Just wondering... kinda popped in my head
      k thanks
    11. Gillmar
      ok, i will enjoy ^^...
    12. NeRo
      maybe you need to sign on msn more >_>
    13. NeRo
      hey im here everyday. i dont post but i am here >_>
    14. NeRo
      sure do miss you toph
    15. Keyblade Master Roxas
      Keyblade Master Roxas
      I know I'll tell him. =]
    16. Keyblade Master Roxas
      Keyblade Master Roxas
      I removed the second signature sorry about that my friend Storm on anime mb made that sig for me I didn't know it broke the rules. I'm sorry about that.
    17. Keyblade Master Roxas
    18. EtherealSummoner
      Ok. Just wanted to make sure.
    19. EtherealSummoner
      Is it ok if I try to make a new skin for the site and see if it is more likable?
    20. EtherealSummoner
      ^.^ But it is in a good way. Nothing bad.
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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