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  2. If you are having trouble logging in, check the box, "stay logged in" to fix the issue. Thanks! —KHP Staff
  3. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
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Chocobo Dyl
Last Activity:
Sep 9, 2012
Feb 22, 2008
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Chocobo Dyl

New Member, from Earth

Chocobo Dyl was last seen:
Sep 9, 2012
    1. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Choco! Miss ya guy! How have you been?
    2. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      hows it been dude?
    3. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      I was Knightof Darkness(Darian)
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Hey! Welcome back! Don't know you, but who cares!
    5. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Chocobo Dyl? Back for good or just a friendly visit?
    6. Ventus
      Let's make a new Square Earth RP!
    7. Ventus
      How are you, man? It's sora!
    8. Ventus
      Chocobo! What!????
    9. Destiny
      Haha, yeah it's difficult with the name changes. Most if not all the name changes can be found in the name change thread under the announcement, it's also stickied there. Is there any usernames you're not sure about? I'm not sure which ones you know and don't know
    10. Destiny
      Oh you bet, and great to see you, we all miss you. I just started a new RP, I don't know if you've seen the new Disney movie, Sorcerer's Apprentice, but I have just put up an OOC for that. That one would be perfect I think for you. If you haven't seen it, you just need to look it up on wikipedia because there you can find a great summary on it.
    11. Goldfish
    12. EtherealSummoner
      Even my pet chocobo is gone. Dang it all!!!
    13. fishy smells
      fishy smells
      How have you been? I am very much into nature, too! I'm actually a boy scout!
    14. Destiny
      Just googled.

      Your character willl be accepted after you read the rules. There's one additional thing in the rules that you have to add that I have just to assure me that you know the rules and all.
    15. Destiny
      lol ok, my witch is done. I'll make a sort of intro post to bring in our characters.
    16. Destiny
      Well the souls and spirits(slaves to the witches) are normal looking or whatever you want them to look like. Souls look normal, but spirits are from any realm(realms being anything you want like a pokemon realm, kingdom hearts realm, whatever). The element section is sort of the main power of the elementals and stuff. Powers, is for the realm powers, powers from a different realm. Anything you want can be the realm power. Witches only have 1 realm power where as elementals have 2. If you're doing the witch, you'll only have one realm power. Meaning in total, you'll have you element power and 1 realm power.

      best to do is look at the other examples and stuff. I'm going to make my witch right now.
    17. Destiny
      Yeah witches can be male, they're called warlocks then, but still thrown under the category of witches
    18. Destiny
      Moving our conversation to here. Ummmm, well I could use some witch, they're in a different realm, but I need witches to start causing problems. You won't be alone because I plan on making a witch here soon. Or you can be a student in the school.
    19. fishy smells
      fishy smells
      I miss u! Lets chat for a bit!
    20. Zerieth
      Chocobo = food.