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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. Zerieth
      Coming months. My bad. I'm in the Rp section mostly.
    2. Zerieth
      I bet I know the answer to this but if you could put my name in for the next drawing of staff members I would be really happy. I intend to be more active over the coming weeks as I have found the time to actually get online and stuff.
    3. ADogX
      no problem.just wanna help out any way i can
    4. ADogX
      hey toph, just thought i'd let you know that FatewithFury and Espion posted in the Punch a Celebrity thread in Fun and Games.the thread's last post before Fate's was digit number.they don't know the rules so i think it's best you tell them
    5. Destiny
      Honestly I don't care if you do, I still get people who call me Kairi or Star.
    6. Remedy
      hey did you get my PM
      its about Fate&Fury/FatewithFury
      he's my cousin please view my Pm
    7. Destiny
      Hey teres some complete newb who went and created a new account fate&fury/fatewithfury. You may want to deal with because he openly stated "I made a new account"
    8. RebelMurf
      Since you mentioned it to me iv been looking for it in the shops. None of them seem to have it though ><
      I might just order it.

      Iv wanted to see the movie for quite awhile. I'd noticed things wrong with it from just the adverts. And I kinda guessed it wouldn't have been as good as the book, but was still curious xD
      I might just wait til its on tv at some point to watch it xD
    9. Plasmos
    10. EtherealSummoner
      ^.^ Got it fixed!
    11. EtherealSummoner
      -_- Wait. Never mind. I went and made a mistake of putting up the larger size of this pic. I'll change it right now.
    12. EtherealSummoner
      ??? I did took care of it. It was from my profile here. It is not smaller enough? I thought it was since this site supposed to adjust the pictures here whenever it is over the pic limit.
    13. RebelMurf
      This is my first of hearing of it to be honest xD
      I heard he was making a sequel to them but thought they were only coming out at a much later stage. I'll have to go get myself one.
      I got one of his books The Red Pyramid, Its about the Gods of Egypt. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet but it sounds pretty good xD

      Have you seen the Percy Jackson movie? And if you have whats it like compared to the book. I haven't gotten around to seeing that either.
    14. RebelMurf
      There brilliant. I'd also recommend the Percy Jackson serious if you haven't already read them. They are set for a younger audience but there still good non the less.
    15. RebelMurf
      I have it here. Her name is Trudi Canavan. Brilliant books. I think it was the first proper set of books I've owned. Excluding the Roal Dal books xD (His name is spelt really wrong ><)
    16. RebelMurf
      I think I like two or three characters. Alice is pretty cool. And so is her boyfriend guy, can't remember his name right now. And Carlyle(?). He's pretty cool as well.

      Have you read the Black Magician Trilogy at all? There pretty good books.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      Sure. I'll get it fixed.
    18. RebelMurf
      Ah books are to good to throw away. Even the crap ones.
      I think the twilight serious, if you don't compare the movie to the books and visa versa are pretty good.
      Its pretty funny how Robert Patterson thinks Edward is creepy xD
    19. Napoléon
      No need to, I find you make amazing posts and have such a great personality. You deserved it xD
    20. RebelMurf
      Haha, I'm the same. Only I can remember certain quotes from video games etc. but i can't remember what my mom said to me yesterday xD
      If i saw her yesterday that is...

      I'm pretty glad I am as well. I was thinking I wouldn't bother with them but my brother convinced me other wise and i'm pretty glad he did. But that happened to me with the Twilight serious. I was reading the books and was quite enjoying them, until the movies came out. I didn't bother to read the third one xD
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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