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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Oathkeeper
      Definitely :P I really appreciate all your opinion and support.
    2. ADogX
      ADogX you're not russian!? Spy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3. ADogX
    4. ADogX
      o,0 just listen to one already! ='( i recommend Starfire
    5. ADogX
      so did u check out DragonForce yet?
    6. Goldfish
      Flawless? Are you a genius!?
      Why living in the 60's (and not going to War) of course!
    7. Goldfish
      Well hang on to that dream, and you'll be a rich sexy doctor in no time =D
      And a party on Venus? Sounds Rockin', since Women come from Venus and Men come from Mars ;P
    8. Goldfish
      Sexy rich doctor huh? Sounds hot.
      I also prefer a giant drum barrel with hobo fire =P
    9. Belovedness
      oooh i see. And yeah, although I was given mixed reviews on my work so Im not sure if i suck at it or not. but I understand it
    10. Oathkeeper
      Thanks. Talking to you has really given me something to think about, and I think I'm going to go through with it.
      And when I make the music, the genres... I think what I'll do is make each song have it's own story. Like one, you would be able to fit in blanks what you think it's about, sorta like a guessing game. I like that kinda thing, it really makes you think and it has a purpose, nobody knows what it is though. I really like that sort of stuff, it just makes you use your brain a little. And now, If I ever come up with a story to put in as a song, and create the song through the story, I'll definitely let you know right away! I'll appreciate your feedback and opinion ^^
    11. Oathkeeper
      I guess now I'll look into finding time to listen to it :P and my inspirations would probably be (and feel free to look all these people up), sasukeshika, Brontosaurus666, RLXStudio(Even though this guy makes techno music, I really admire all the work he puts into it),TheOutsyder, max05233157, HypochondriacPiano, kylelandry, and greenday3840. They all push me to keep going, and what I could be if I made my own music or put covers on Youtube. It's really nice to think about, what could happen...
    12. Oathkeeper
      Thanks :P your pretty nice! And no I haven't heard that song, maybe one or two from Guns'n'Roses though. And whenever I'm not listening to rock, I'd be listening to instrumentals! Anything really, whether it be kingdom hearts, requiem for a dream, WoW soundtrack(I'm sounding awfully nerdy right about now), Or Final Fantasy soundtracks, just something. It really calms my nerves to just listen to something nice like that. Also I have afew inspirational Youtube people who keep me going on my music. :P
    13. Oathkeeper
      When somebody usually plays piano they're all sincere and stuff(from what I've seen and known). But my family and friends say when I play you can "feel" the emotions I'm feeling just by me playing. Like when I'm happy I'll bounce up and down or something else happy-ish, when I'm sad I'd play like I'm in a gloom, ya know?
      And same for me! I totally avoid rap and country as well, but I'm a sucker for rock and classical music(piano or violins and stuff). xD Everyone says it sounds so weird that I like love the piano and play it so good, when I like rock.
    14. Oathkeeper
      Cool. and yeah totally! I've been playing piano for I think 8 years, but I've always played it a different kind of way then everyone I've seen. I'd be really nice having one fan from the start instead of zero :P so thanks. Anyway, what kinda music do you like?
    15. Oathkeeper
      oh cool! thanks for the nice advice! and I could try writing music, but I've never done it before =/. If I do end up making my own music though, how would you like hearing/seeing it first? Thinking about uploading them to Youtube or something. :P
    16. Oathkeeper
      learning piano really isn't that hard, just gotta train your fingers to work with you :P. Heh, and I've been thinking of writing my own music instead of just covering KH soundtracks. writing hard to do? I've been thinking of writing a story or something cool like that I just don't know how to you know spice it up or come up with an idea xD, it's pretty hard to sit still and think of something!
    17. Goldfish
      Space man...
      it's impossible for me to sit sown and think "this is what I want to do". For me, I just need some hands on experience
    18. Oathkeeper
      rocking chairs rock my socks xD lol and uhh my hobbies...playing KH games, hanging out with friends and playing piano or guitar, how about you?
    19. Oathkeeper
      :P lol cool then...and im totally great, how are you?
    20. Goldfish
      But what do I really want, is the question.

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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​