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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Goldfish
      They seem to have fun. Women want attention, they get it and they have the right to smack men around as ell XD
      She wants to be a law abiding citizen. And I like Police, they help people... except for those who are looking for crack.
      Never took it that literally before. Oh god, I'm going to turn into an Icecream =\
      Not really. Just saying your assumption is false =P
      Oh man, one of those Woman mysteries. They should have an "Understanding of the Woman mind" in uni as a subject XD
    2. Goldfish
      they're there to break up fights... and to make the place look good =P
      No, sober as a kite (?). What I'm trying to say is that one of my friends here is wanting to become a police officer =]
      We found them, Dingoes ate it, I think. Story to scare the kids maybe?
      But what you know is a guess. Confirmation of your is but a lie =0
      And what do you mean then?
    3. Goldfish
      Especially under the influence! (I'm not sure why, but they station all the female officers in the clubbing district here. It's kinda entertaining, because when shit gets real, they scream "POLICE, STOP, THIS IS MACE, POLICE!" I watch and giggle trying my hardest not to laugh at the situation XD
      Oh boy, here we go again! And Women Officers like me... at least the one who's going to become an officer does.
      Evil shed, it's exactly what it was! There were a pile of old cow bones in the corner XD
      Pictures are still available on request=P
      Oh no, never. I hate wasting food. I eat friends left overs if we go get takeaway!
      strangers as in people you've never met in real life, of course =P
    4. Goldfish
      but the police here are athletic women carrying mace and taser guns! =0
      Well he's a pretty cool guy, but I wouldn't turn gay for him.
      The other room was a shed out in the back. It was never used and filled with old junk we never used but I always went in for some thrilling 5-6 year old imaginative adventure. So no bad thought there, unless you're super weird =P
      Again, who is Bertha? You've completely lost me now. Lets start from scratch, I'm a dude :D
      Nope, did not ever cross my mind. Food is food for me. I eat food, not have sexual interactions with it =\
      She is, and talking to strangers about your own sex life is a little odd. It's a given reason here ;P
    5. Goldfish
      It's legal till someone gets caught ;]
      What's wrong with saying sick frames? =\ Sometimes I worry about you XD
      It was in the old bookcase in the "other room", I liked picture books. It was a rather demonic book, I remember it vaguely. Full of death. I just picked it out randomly.
      No idea who Bertha is, but whatever floats your boat, I'll remain the same =]
      Well you spelt the pun and made it obvious. So not my fault there =P
      Oh just another sex crazed freak at work. I don't know how she does it, but she can turn any conversation into something about sex. Bless her heart, we all lover her XD
    6. ADogX
      basicly, just ask ppl who roleplay. like Toph or Destiny
    7. Goldfish
      Oh yes, all legal like Governmental files, future blue prints, war plans and what not... YUP! ALL 100 PERCENT LEGAL STUFF HERE! And that would be Diavolina you're looking at, but she has red hair in this picture (usually it's black)
      The Optometrist was a nice fellow, he liked my frames.
      Not Peter Pan but I used to read fantasy books as a child, filled with pointy thorny plant pixies that killed people. This particular book was scary, and everyone was nakey =P
      "Pics or it didn't happen?" XD
      Oh no you di'nt! You're starting to sound like this particular girl at work now, haha/
    8. Kloudian
      Sick with the flu and floundering around in schoolwork, to be honest. xD
    9. ADogX
      also, you should try out for RoaringFlames' in it with three characters, and we need some more people, if you could convince Goldfish and Darian
    10. ADogX
      you did well! NOW READ THE NEWEST PART!!! =D also, did you listen to DragonForce yet!? *brings out Katanas*
    11. Goldfish
      Well, I am an assassin like Ezio (I'm a bit of everything =P). It's well worth the money I spent, I download 1 million times faster. And not a Hello Kitty one, just a bunch of Tokidoki characters... this one
      they told me "your eyes aren't too bad, son. You don't really need glasses either, it's more of a enhancement thing for you when you watch movies and what not" (along those lines, at least XD)
      Well Fairies are damn scary as well, yet it's everywhere with the kids =P
      Only when I'm a granny (which will never happen, mind you =D)
      bit of everything, Boysenberry, Vanilla, Super Choc and Caramel =P
    12. Goldfish
      because it's called a laptop and people use it on their laps and so cause genitalia burns? (true fact, scary stuff). It's a 2000 dollar plus laptop. It made things 80000 times better. Faster, more colourful, better OS and all. Also stuck a Tokidoki print on the back of it =P
      No Idea how they measure it. For me, its a factor of good or bad, on different levels XD
      Well imps are pretty scaly. At least depicted in that book I read as a child XD
      Well if you want to go there, it does get funny ;P
      Everyone's different, really another genetics thing. It's a very diverse place and everyone is different XD
      Speaking of cookies and creams, just bought 16 drumsticks. They were one dollar each =D
    13. Kloudian
      I'd make a horrid club leader, seeing that I just returned from falling off the face of the earth.
    14. Goldfish
      Thanks =]

      The heat were microwaves, altering the genes! So I bought a new Laptop. It's a super laptop =D
      Eye prescription? I'm not sure how it's measured but they're not bad. They're expensive because they just are. Also I got the anti reflective stuff as well =P
      Well what about imps? They can be cute... kind of.
      Like Yuffie but minus the chest =P
      Aussies are white and not being allowed to tan? that sounds sacrilegious here XD
    15. Goldfish
      I'm part ninja, remember?
      They're sick. They did cost me nearly 50 dollars, and the lens are costing me 200 >.<
      Nah, Spongebob used air. I'm just a ninja/robot/demon =P
      This is one of those inner woman stuff right? Not a literal thing? XD
      Melbourne wouldn't be too bad. It's a lot colder there. Places like where I am (Queensland State) is the more cancer like place. Maybe because everyone goes to the Sunshine Coast or Gold Coast to fix up a tan or something.
    16. ADogX
      *becomes enraged*
    17. ADogX
      good.bout time u d made it.NOW LISTEN TO DRAGONFORCE!!

      also new KH: Destinies
    18. ADogX
      hey PurpleDiamond,you haven't gotten back to me yet on if we should make a family group for u,me,Epic Kirby,and Darian.also i just wanted to start a convo =D
    19. Goldfish
    20. Goldfish
      Creepy neighbour?
      Getting new specs because my old ones broke. Left it at a party, came back to pick it up later on to hear "Oh, those were yours?" (to the obviousness that they were thrown in the bin >.<)
      Oh, I may be skinny but I'm like superman. Compare me like David towards Goliath =P
      Big thanks, I feel reborn in some weord sense XD
      Pshh, sun screen... well it is pretty bright out there =\
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

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