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Last Activity:
Feb 17, 2012
Oct 12, 2007
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In the area between light and dark
I have no job


Head Game Reviewer, from In the area between light and dark

Zerieth was last seen:
Feb 17, 2012
    1. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Ummm I'm starting to think your disturbed, you're having a nervous breakdown because of a post!?!
    2. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Ya I edited post! Good enough?
    3. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Heh, don't worry that's the end of that little sidestory but still, Rekx will have more "voices" issues later. It's part of being bipolar XD
    4. Destiny
      No problem, my own appology knowing you and guessed something I know you wouldn't do. I'm just highly against banning punishment unless really needed
    5. Destiny
      I would have done the same you did unless it was obviously really bad but seeing as no one on staff was truly notified(I was and told him to stop which appeared to have stopped, worst I believe I was told by a different member).

      I just don't want members thinking if they were staff they could have the right to punish as they please, it would take some serious matters. That is all, other than that you're good, I'm just telling you to not get completely the wrong ideas.
    6. Destiny
      No it wouldnt have (referring to vm to roxel) a mod does not get members seriously in trouble without warnings and such, so please dont believe bashing staff would serve a greater punishment. It may serve an infraction but would not have served a ban or anything
    7. Zerieth
      Ya roaring he was but he's done now.
    8. Vor
      has Roxel been bothering you latly
    9. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Ya I deserve that... I don't know why I flipped out like that, It was totally uncalled for and unacceptable especially seeing as I'm trying to conquer my other... Furthermore I apologize sincerely for my actions and I will accept any punishment thrown my way.
    10. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I haven't the slightest clue of what to post, so I'm forfeiting my next post in Tsubasa.
    11. Kitty
      I will remember that you said this, though seriously, I have no idea if we're looking for new staff or not right now. It's kind of slow going here lately.
    12. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Hey Could you delete the 2 Dupes of my thread CAUTION NOT SUITABLE FOR VIEWERS UNDER THE AGE OF 15 plz
    13. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      You gonna play along with my game 'gambler'? Hehehehehehe...
    14. Become
      Well, considering she just had the pleasure of beating something to a pulp, but at the same time was left in disappointment with how easy it was, there would certainly be a tell about her expression. After all, she's an easy book to read, being a one-tracked mind and all. :p

      And I do like the patronizing.
    15. Become
      ... no offense meant, but where did mention anything about Xylak huffing?
    16. Become
      I actually have an idea for the Arena that you might enjoy.
    17. Become
      Doesn't have to happen right away if you're not up to it.
    18. Become
      I've been working towards drawing more people into the Arena. How's about jumping back in for a spar? Some Aura action, perhaps?
    19. Become
      Not much is better than too much.
    20. Become
      What up Z?
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  • About

    In the area between light and dark
    I have no job
    I am a fan of kh, kh chain of memories, and kh-2

    Games and Books



    I will blow them all into dust.