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Last Activity:
Oct 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2010
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Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
Where the Seasons Arise


R.I.P. Captain Unohana, 29, from Where the Seasons Arise

ADogX was last seen:
Oct 1, 2015
    1. Goldfish
      Dude, you're so in. Though I call a lot of people love, sunshine, pumpkin, baby, etc etc. But whos to say we're all the same ;]

      And you were doing the whole run, jump, dive, climb, yelling out stupid quotes, proning, changing stance on grassy knolls as well?
      It's only racist if feeling are hurt ;P
    2. Napoléon
      I don't fully believe that 'jk' (;
      Anyways, I'm heading off to bed. Night babe.x
    3. Napoléon
      Sweet I own XD

      Common tell me, I won't judge you (;
      -Lick- <3
    4. Napoléon
      Antonio? (;
    5. Goldfish
      Oh c'mon dude! I was playing Black ops again in front of a church at 4AM on Saturday! That's gotta be fun!
      Chickens nice, but I prefer red Meat =]
      Well more inane, in this case. Who sings Highway to the Danger Zone in an elevator by them selves?
    6. Napoléon
      I don't know you're real name...umm... Steve?
      That's like me asking you what's my real name =P
      Score, I'm smooth! >.>
      Why can't you tell me who I'd go out with >.<
    7. Napoléon
      Is your real name... .... Um.... Alex?
      Smooth, means super cool. You know, when people are so chilled out that they're 'smooth'. Could also be defined as the person is awesome (:
      Now who shall I consider going out with?
    8. Napoléon
      Tell me please, I won't judge (:
      Yupp, I knew you thought I was smooth [;
    9. Napoléon
      Going out with who deary? (;
      Ouu Pizza! I love vegetarian pizza <3
    10. Napoléon
      Alrighty, why is the next part going to be strange or something =P
      And you're improving a lot since you began writing. I'm uber proud :3
    11. Napoléon
      I read your story! Just thought I should say (:
    12. Napoléon
      Alrighty, I shall read it in a few. (; (I'll write to you when I do)
      I'll try to think of someone to add to that list >.>
    13. EtherealSummoner
      Just to let you know but the traditional section is the only place where you can double post for your stories. The max that you can post without having to wait on a member is five. Once you post your fifth post, you need to have someone read them before the month is up. Just wanted to let you know so you are ok to double post/ quintuple post.
    14. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      sorry, everytime I've tried to post, I get that "Khplanet is down" Page.
      It's really getting annoying...
    15. Napoléon
      I don't know who feeds him xD Ask yourself.
      I bet you'll graduate as an ultra genius or something. Have a fancy car, be the next Bill Gates (;
      Thanks, I try.
    16. Goldfish
      Ridiculously fun!... sometimes
      I do have the money for it but I don't really want to purchase it. Need to save money for better things... like pretzels.

      I think I've gone insane from work.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      ;D I have found some new story mode videos and linked them in the Dissia's 012 story mode thread.
    18. Napoléon
      I feel terrible for him...
      Try to keep those grades one you reach 11th grade =P
      Bleh I don't like Twilight T.T
    19. Napoléon
      You're reading the conversations between Goldfish and I? O: ...Goldfish is an old fart, ask him yourself =P
      And it wasn't that type of math, it was a career project that was to be completed for a math class for some odd reason. I don't know what it had to do with anything, but it was a requirement from the district. I make a 99% in math last term, I do fairly swell in math myself (;
      I'm not a vampire, I'm a dirty revamped *bleep* (;
    20. Goldfish
      But they provide income!
      I think the real question is "Aren't I ridiculous?"
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  • About

    Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Where the Seasons Arise
    I love anime

    Gaming,anime,being lazy, playing Basketball and Volleyball


    Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/adogxsgaming
    Steam: ADogX-Senpai
    PSN: ADog-X
    Anime Multiverse: ADogX
    Twitter: @ADogXGaming
    Twitch: ADogX123