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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. ADogX
      mostly me >=)
    2. ADogX
      you talk to me, Goldfish and Darian don't you? hehe
    3. Blackrose
      Acadian? I've never heard of that before, what its like? And that's cool about your grandmother but most peculiar about your parents and you learning it. You ever get tired of French?
    4. Blackrose
      Lol um well basketball isn't as dangerous your making it sound. Just gotta keep your eyes open. Especially with soccer. Now that's a sport I can understand fearing. I'll admit I did have second thoughts about playing it since I get hit in the head like 10 times and nearly tackled during tryouts. But it's fun to me cause I use to play with my dad and it brings up good memories. That and the fact I like when the opponents coach gets made that their "star player" gets shut down by lil ol' me. Dint get me wrong, I'm nit a show off or anything but it's funny as he'll when the coach starts cursing. Call ne immature but I laugh when ppl curse lol it's so funny.

      Wow grade 1??? What got you into the language? Is your family from France?? Or have some deep history that leads back to your family's origin??
    5. ADogX
      >=) thought you liked bad boys babe? >=)
    6. EtherealSummoner
      XD That is not Spanish. I would tell you but... .... ... *Grabs disguise* I have to go for my first 7 Brides for 7 Brothers Operetta show! BUH BYE!
    7. EtherealSummoner
      Hee hee hee. So glad that you cannot understand me. Trying to learn Kyuu's and noz's language. XD
    8. EtherealSummoner
      Hei ja miten olet tänään? XD
    9. ADogX
      =D nothin much really. i've been playing my Pokemon Ranger game in so many of my classes and haven't gotten caught yet! "2nd to 4th period, and 6th to 7th period so far. im such a bad boy >=) even though im and A student =D
    10. Blackrose
      Lol more like the opposite. She'd make me quit a sport if she felt they were getting the way of academics. I've had tutors and that had me buckle down and stuff. It was awful at first. I just wanted to rip my hair out and scream in the hallways lol but it's all good now. Basketball season will be ending soon which will lighten the load a bit meaning more free time! oh man I can't wait :)
      lol the power of what? C'mon, French isn't that bad is it???
      How Many years of it have you taken?
    11. Blackrose
      Lol you don't think you'd do well with your midterms??
      And yeah I guess I am =P lol.
      At first it was difficult cause everytime I came home from practice, I'd be completly wiped, leaving no room for me to do homework or study. But I think after a while I got used to it and now Its like w.e. It's just alot of work to stay focused. Butttt then I guess I don't really have to worry about staying focus since mom is the principal of my school and is always up my ass.
    12. Blackrose
      Lol how long does your break last?
      I play soccer, basketball and I run track & field.
    13. ADogX
      ....sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. *score!*
    14. EverlastingOblivion
      Yeah Ocarina of Time brings back a lot of good memories for me. That and Link to the Past were actually my firsts years ago... wow time flies. Well hope you will be doing some celebrating for Zelda's 25th Anniversary like i am right now. ^^
    15. Blackrose
      Your welcome :)
      and I've been doing pretty good. Being kept busy with sports and all. How about you?
    16. Goldfish
      It's cool, I was drunk... in some weird sense. All I've had was water, I think it's just insanity.
      And I never promised anything. I believe I was sober enough/
    17. Blackrose
      Lol no problem at all. Glad to help. ^_^
      omgosh how rude of me. I forgot to say GOOD MORNING to well here it is: GOOD MORNING!!!!! ^_-
    18. Blackrose
      Oh and also, when you click on the pic to get a better look at it, there are 4 links to choose from. Choose the 4th by cipying it as it's what's used to insert pics into forums and stuff.
    19. Blackrose
      Hmm. I say a better and easier way would be to use photobucket. But you will have to get creative with your search words. Like if you a sword pic the put anime sword or anime fighter, girl fighter, girl mecha. This will give you a variety.
    20. Blackrose
      Ok that's odd. Where'd you get your pics from?
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

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