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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Tbh I really didn't believe it myself until Summoner helped me see the honest to god truth and man it hit me hard. But you got to remember I hate being alone and Demaian is the only one on the site I can compare myself to. Believe what you want but The honest friggin goddamn truth is.. I'm in love with Demaian.
    2. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      I already explained myself to Demaian so my life is my own A month and a half ago hell i'd be deleting it in a heartbeat but everyone knows by now that I truly have fallen for Demaian. Please understand that, if he doesn't want it there i'll delete it but honest to god I friggin love him, he may not act like it but he's one hell of a guy and the way he takes things to the next level like with the LGBT Thread, made me truly honestly fall in love with the guy. Please believe me I swear I'm not trying to be a smartass I really do love Demaian!
    3. Remedy
      lol, i'm not sure how to take that considering i'm a kid XD
      i'll keep that in mind though
    4. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      I don't see how admitting I like Demaian and he (Axel can't give a true answer as he has yet to acknowledge it.) But you're the boss so I won't argue i'll change it...
    5. Plasmos
      Couldn't have said any better myself.
    6. Vor
      Good god man it must be hell working there, eh
    7. Vor
      Mine would be the view from saturday. And a question, where do you work, because my mom works at scottrade
    8. Vor
      So what are you favorite books, and also, you do your job so good, I applaud you for the effort
    9. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      i'm using it because Zol decided to be nice and make it for me
    10. Remedy
      that's really cool,
      even though i'm still young i'm already contempating what my career should be, and teacher is on my list
    11. Remedy
      hey not to sound weird or anything but i saw that you're a teacher, what do you teach?
    12. Remedy
      Your nephew didn't cause you too much trouble did he? lol
      my work is up so you can take a look if you want
    13. NeRo
      Well said in the thread. Now i remember why your my co pilot
    14. Remedy
      lol ok
      you go home and get some rest... and tell your nephew to be nice!!! XD respect your Auntie Toph. lol
    15. Remedy
      Hey Toph any pointers/ constructive critism? (Lol didnt know how to spell it!) XD
    16. Plasmos
      Yea you'd have to be a GIMP expect to make something extraordinary. Most of the time nobody wants criticism because they want to learn on their own, or just have big ego's. But I'd make a tutorial, I just have to put the NO RIPPING on it, we got some rippers here.
    17. Plasmos
      You know what, I was saying the exact same thing to myself. We should start making some tutorials, or maybe I should just start passing out some free un-expense photoshops. Half of everybody here has GIMP and that wont do. lmao.
    18. Plasmos
      haha! In terms on voting, yes. It was rather entertaining seeing the entries. Not surprised at all.
    19. Remedy
      yup i hope, seing as i'm a beginer and its kinda hard to compete with Dem and Goldfish >.< lol
    20. Remedy
      hmmm i guess your right
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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