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Last Activity:
Oct 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2010
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Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
Where the Seasons Arise


R.I.P. Captain Unohana, 29, from Where the Seasons Arise

ADogX was last seen:
Oct 1, 2015
    1. Kitty
      Absolutely not, that is a mod's power.
    2. Destiny
      I will contact people for an interview next week. Do know not all are accepted.
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I figured he trapped Niton into a cage or something that stopped the attack.
    4. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      You should at least wait to see what happens before thinking of that.
    5. Rojas250
      I know, sometimes, i rush through my writing but thanks for the update. Sorry about that.
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      If, according to Niton's (Yes, I'm going to abbreviate it like that) backstory, he was offered a spot in the Organization and refused it, then it would be an out of character moment for him to join it.
    7. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      True, although I wasn't paying that much attention to it. I primarily focus on what they can do and their history. Outfits, not so much (Which is why I prefer pictures). NitonXao may keep the cloak for now, but that may change depending on how the capture scenario I have in mind goes.
    8. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      They don't need the same clothes as their somebodies. They could wear something else. And are you sure about Malix? I don't remember. But if that's the case, then I'll do something about it.
    9. Remedy
      yeah it is...
    10. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Being a nobody doesn't mean they have to wear the cloaks. And in the RP the cloaks are supposed to be for members of the Organization, nobody else.
    11. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I was actually going to ask you. Why does that character wear Organization cloaks? Your profile said absolutely nothing about him being in it.
    12. FatewithFury
      oh haha i changed it...* now i cant have a pic in my sig* but next conversation i put up there will be short lol
      i want to do that every so often cause my conversations are quite funny...LOL
    13. 1Gannon1
      For new org I need someone to find Xhoturl or Malix. And if KH3 has been updated it must have been just now.
    14. Noir
      No. We're really talking about my signature. I only discuss your story in your profile.
    15. ADogX
      no when u said Stories, did u mean the both my story threads?
    16. Noir
      we're talking about my sig :D
    17. FatewithFury
      hey like wats at the bottom of me sig and next to me name lol
    18. Noir
      Dude I love your stories they're awesome
    19. Destiny
      You mean to get another little green rep box? You need to get minium 100 rep points. If you mean to award out rep points, I'm really am not 100% positive on how that works for I can hand out more rep points(14) than Goldfish who has a rep higher than mine. So I don't know how that exactly works.
    20. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Hey, I edited the post, so can you post again for me please?
      Thank you!
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  • About

    Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Where the Seasons Arise
    I love anime

    Gaming,anime,being lazy, playing Basketball and Volleyball


    Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/adogxsgaming
    Steam: ADogX-Senpai
    PSN: ADog-X
    Anime Multiverse: ADogX
    Twitter: @ADogXGaming
    Twitch: ADogX123