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Last Activity:
Feb 17, 2012
Oct 12, 2007
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In the area between light and dark
I have no job


Head Game Reviewer, from In the area between light and dark

Zerieth was last seen:
Feb 17, 2012
    1. Destiny
      stickied under the Announcement forum
    2. Zerieth
      were do I get the application?
    3. Destiny
      You need to fill out an application first. I can't add you, TD does, and I need applications first
    4. Moogle
      Alright. Just ping me when it's edited.
    5. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Hey, I think Tsubasa is dieing...
    6. Moogle
      You. . . kind of ignored both mine and Zhy's attacks in your post.
    7. ADogX
      hey can you edit your post in New Org.? everything got changed to where Tane&NitonXao's fight didn't get interupted. I don't wanna post with NitonXao till you fix yours cuz then things would get messed up.
    8. Become
      You're forgetting that I done gone and shot at you.
    9. Moogle
      I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. Your turn in our epic double battle.
    10. ADogX
      hey, for the RP, think we can make it to where both Tane and NitonXao are both badly injured? Cuz since CO is NitonXao's home, I don't want him beaten so easily.
    11. ADogX
      sorry. I didn't think I could God-mod an attack.*sigh*and I thought I did really good on that post
    12. Moogle
      Your turn in the slow, slow battle.
    13. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      It is so cool.
      Haven't finished the first movie, but did get far enough to see Yuuko die.
      That's really freaking sad!
    14. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Dude, Zerieth, have you watched all of Xxxholic yet?
      I've been watching it Season by Season, and I am finally on the movies.
    15. Become
      Your turn in Fantastical.
    16. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Hey, can you post on Taken from life please?
    17. Sae
      Hey there, thanks for your interest/concern for my character. The reason I wanted her to be a tad unstabl is because it allows for more plot development and I've always wanted to write about a character like this. I had originally planned for her to be full blown evil but I wasn't sure whee I could from there or what would be her reason for doing what she's doing. I mean this is something new and I think it'll be fun.
    18. Become
      I know. I've just had some real life situations that have been requiring my attention.
    19. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Hey I made a template for you roleplaying but I still have to edit the history but in getting tired now. But can you look at it and tell me what you think
    20. Become
      If you're talking about the Leechgrave, it was one go that took an unloading of quite a few rounds (hence, Natex's exaggerations). That, coupled with the stated point of a leechgrave not exactly being a high ranking heartless, sort of waters down the infamy. Honestly, I enjoyed the grave killing more than the stealth sneak.
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  • About

    In the area between light and dark
    I have no job
    I am a fan of kh, kh chain of memories, and kh-2

    Games and Books



    I will blow them all into dust.