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Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2011
May 1, 2011
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The Void
..cough cough..


New Member, from The Void

Botnus was last seen:
Jul 16, 2011
    1. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      lol i guess so.
      so whats your fav anime? are you watching anything now?
    2. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      lol yeah i love creating characters. i could actually do different things with the character i posted in your realm of gods rp. just hate the typing lol.
      and i would join but ive never been a real fan of one piece. i mean its an ok series but ive just neverbeen able to get into it is all.
    3. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      ive been doing ti for a lil while now so im still new as to how it all goes.
      and yeah i like your stuff, very original.
    4. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      lol ah ok. so how long have you been roleplaying?
    5. Angel
      Yea I could do that.
    6. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      lol the hell? whats a cluster fuck?
    7. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      ahh i see. thanks. that makes everything easier for me now
    8. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      lol working on her as we speak. i was confused at first when i was reading what was going on. so right now Nomac is going up against 2 other Arc's?
    9. Sherry el Bridget
    10. Angel
      Sure thing! XD
    11. Destiny
      Hey I need you to please read over the rules. Really two things...

      1.) you VM me asking to delete multi post made by a member, I stumbled accross one yourself made, you're no exception to the rules, no multi posts, please use the edit button
      2.) You need to read over the RP rules which a whole set is stickied under Roleplay. Look here for rules, reason why, you have posted actual RP threads directly in Roleplay, they don't belong there, they belong in the sub forum for whichever type of RP it is(which until you're advance and get advance RP approved, it belongs in Beginners RP)
    12. Destiny
      It was taken care of before I could get to it, I didn't look it up specifically though to see if perhaps it was a site lag multi post which we occassionally get(you can tell this by if they're posted at the same exact time and word for word the post are similar)

      And you don't have to go 'Dear Mod,' you can just call me Destiny or Des and you really don't need the dear.
    13. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      well the reason I added that is the way the fire and ice are gonna go is their kinda hard to crontrol for him and he loses control easily so he tends to shy away from them
    14. Become
      Skimming, more so. But yes, I've been taking a gander at it.
    15. Angel
      Ah, I see. Well I agree with you, bossman.

      Oh for future references. You post actual RP's in the Beginner RP section or the Advanced RP Section.
      Destiny will probably move The Red Stained Snow to the Beginner RP Section.
    16. Angel
      Oh don't worry about the triple post.
      The server lags sometimes and causes multiple posts of the one you submitted.
      It happens to me also.
    17. Angel
      Cool you guys move fast. I'll get on my post.
    18. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      well say he had fire and ice that were controlled by his temper and he has no real control of them and then he has a power he uses more often that duplicates others powers but only to a weaker level?
    19. ADogX
      are they KH RPs?
    20. Moogle
      Heeeeeeyyyyy. You know that thing in my signature? Read it.
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  • About

    The Void
    ..cough cough..
    100% nerd right here, I love to waste my days away to some good old fashion metal while I destroy

    Growler for a band



    Mountains out of mole hills, crushing foundations!