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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2011
May 1, 2011
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The Void
..cough cough..


New Member, from The Void

Botnus was last seen:
Jul 16, 2011
    1. Noir
      Me too, I've been actually waiting for you to post.
    2. Angel
      Long time no see.....
    3. xXAnTiFoRmXx
      hey um...I've actually been waiting for you to post...
    4. The Heartless King
    5. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      not to worry. i just did. sorry for the wait.
    6. Noir
      It's a JPEG, and it likes a bug, even that admin (Kitty) tries to upload it, she says to me "Unfortunately the control panel would not allow me to upload it either. I am turning the problem over to someone smarter than me (i.e TradeDemon)."
    7. Noir
      Wait I was always online last month! >_<... I'm just active, just finding some new stuff, you know..

      But I had this problem "Invalid File". I don't know if it is a bug, every picture (avatar) I upload, it keeps saying Invalid File! Hope someone changed their avatar to know this..
    8. Noir
      Wait, how did you get the Activity Award? And congratulations..
    9. Angel
      He's in this town that he knows nothing about. He runs into this girl that shows him around and tells him about this Witch Trial that happened 500 years ago. She leads him to a museum.

      You can guess what he will find out there.

      Anyway I asked about the story because I didn't want to stray from what you wanted to be done in your RP.
    10. Noir
      ...I think, yes?
    11. Noir
      Well I'll answer that later, but it's May 21 today in our country and I'm scared about the End of the World :(, and if this is a lie, my favorite upcoming videos will be released :)
    12. Noir
      I'm very fine..
    13. Angel
      Yeah I know that much. Should of rephrased it better. You cut the battle between the characters to move along the story. I was thinking did you have anything specific in mind, as in you've already came up with a plot, or making it up as you go.
    14. Angel
      Hey, i'm just wondering where the story is going in Kingdom of Gods. XD
    15. Noir
      How you doing right now?
    16. SeanConnery
      I'm Sean Connery shone, and i'm in deshprate need ta fight
    17. ADogX
      posted. sorry i took so long to. Been busy
    18. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      k i posted in your RP but it wont be visible till a moderator (im guessing destiny) approves it. so no worries ^_^
    19. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      3 times?!! wow.
      yeah samurai champloo is pretty awesome
    20. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      oi i was atching that anime too but i couldnt go on much longer cause of that long asss flashback. it was crazy. all that wasnt necessary to explain why the brother was the way he was. thats just my opinion.
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  • About

    The Void
    ..cough cough..
    100% nerd right here, I love to waste my days away to some good old fashion metal while I destroy

    Growler for a band



    Mountains out of mole hills, crushing foundations!