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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Goldfish
      "But in spirit, we are together and a half"... I can be a cheesy ramntic too!
      Also the growing up fact. I can't imagine myself staying the same all mopey with a bowl chop and reverse mullet. Though I've never really had a bowl chop, closest thing to that was my punk undercut. Man I was a badass. Now I'm just a gent in a suit.
    2. Goldfish
      Eh, least to say it did change me. Though rather not talk about it. One of those personal I'd rather talk in person about it things (but knowing me, I probably will ramble about it, haha)
      I have become sarcastic and cynical towards things but I also have friends who well, make me feel happier =]
    3. Remedy
      my bed and i had a lovely night together XD
      yeah uniforms... there are about 12 diferent shirts you can shoose from...
      the girls can choose from 3 different skirts or pants
      guys can choose from 3 different pants, so its kinda diverse
    4. Malibu
      I'v been good, i'v had a lot a free time lately.
      How are you?
    5. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Unless you changed it, Kassandra.

      Usually I'm right. It tends to help when proving somebody wrong.

      Don't worry about it. We went out to eat, and I had just recently gotten back.
    6. Remedy
      yeah i meant A.M.
      see this is my late night sleepiness...
      Anyways private school is awesome, other than the uniform
      but i must go
      it is time for my bed and i to have another peaceful night together XD
    7. Remedy
      I go to a private school, so we live a little farther than usual...
      i didnt quite understand you first line... say again?
      and yes i enjoy showers XD
    8. Remedy
      I get up at 6pm for school, although it doesnt start till 8pm
      My Dad takes me on his way to work... its a 30 min drive and i get there about 7:30

      so really i shouldnt have to get up till 6:30 but i always fall asleep trying to take a shower...
      that was pretty weird
    9. Remedy
      I never want to wake up in the mornings XD my bed and i love each other XD o.o
      yeah i go to school, i just goto friends houses on weekends, almost every night possible... which is really a bad habit, because it make me wanna go to bed late and wake up late on school days
    10. Remedy
      nah, i just stay up all night at their houses and then dont even take a nap during the day, so its bad for my sleep habits as well...
    11. Remedy
      nope, too many friends houses XD
      How 'bout you?
    12. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I glanced at them. I suppose a PM would be better for it.

      I'm not going to say that though. I'll only say women are right when they are right. But if they're wrong, I'm gonna say they're wrong.

    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Just curious.

      Not much point in trying to change your opinion. People are gonna fight. Life goes on.

      If you're sorry for breaking them and wish to be forgiven, you can be forgiven.
    14. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Which answers changed?

      Oh well.

      But that's what makes God so amazing. He'll forgive you, you just gotta make the effort to be forgiven.
    15. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Of course. Why would I lie to an unknown person who lives a whole continent away from me?

      Muslims kicked them out of the land long ago. So honestly it should just be left alone as is. Way too much fighting over that land.

      It doesn't matter how impure you are. It's hard for people to understand, myself included, but God loves everybody. I guess He's just that awesome. Even knowing the bad things people do He still forgives them.
    16. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I'm sure it'd be fun.

      Jerusalem has been fought over way too much. And besides, it was the Allies in WWII who gave that land to Israel.

      Kinda, but not really. I believe in God and all that stuff, but I haven't been to church in such a long time.
    17. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Miley Cyrus. A date wouldn't be bad.


      I'm sure you'll do fine.
    18. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Dear heavens no.

      I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

      I believe you always have a chance to avoid Hell.
    19. Remedy
      i get it, just been reallly tired, honestly i didnt even read your last message XD
      sorry lol
      just read smething about being nude
    20. Remedy
      no lol, ok?