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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Kinky's not a swear word. And if it was I wouldn't mind it. I'm not sure if I really know any kinky people, so I don't know if I get along with them or not.

      I was an exceptional student. But I think it's become less as time goes on.

      Killer whale. They're my favorite animal.
    2. Remedy
      you got that right XD
      so what's new?
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Nope. I'm more of the opposite.

      No kidding, for both parts.
    4. Remedy
      its in my sig now xD
    5. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Thanks. I'm a cute person ;)

      And yet there are people younger than me who are smarter than me.

      Not sure. I know it's made me get a C instead of a B several times before.
    6. Remedy
      lol imma post that in my sig, you too?
    7. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Second guess is right.

      Only a few more years than you.

      Sometimes I don't pay attention so I end up not doing the question correct or all the way through.
    8. Remedy
      why thanks
      that was probably the nicest thing said to me in a while : ) you have a great personality too
      (OMGZ lets all run around naked all day every day! w00t!)
    9. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior

      Not very long.

      I know. And I make so many mistakes from misreading. It's what stops me from doing my absolute best on tests and stuff.
    10. Remedy
      yea im glad we dont all have to wear the same thing, because i would feel more like a face in the crowd than i already do
    11. Malibu
      ahaha you noticed my continual switching of Katy Perry avatars.
    12. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Not all of them. It shouldn't be too hard to find one that has the name.

      Yep. So sometimes I know more, sometimes I know less.

      You're not dumb. I misread things plenty of times as well.
    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Thanks ;)

      My name shouldn't be too hard to find out. I tend to use it a lot on RPs.

      I know however much I need to know.

      A book?
    14. Goldfish
      believe it. I've already planned my next Holiday. Thailand in September. And one Day Canada. Still need to see Snow
      Seeing how it's summer over there, I take it you'll be shaving =P
    15. Goldfish
      It probably already is. Thinking I should die now so I could leave a beautiful corpse... Nah. I still have so much ahead of me =]
      Do women Hobbit have hairy feet as well?
      Smokers are Jokers. The bad kind of Jokers.
    16. Goldfish
      I wouldn't say I've quit. Cut down yes. I was once at the stage of every day after work I would drink and everyday I didn't work I would drink. Depressed old man phase.
      We're light-footed!
      Peer pressure to dangerous stunts only. To smoking, no =]
    17. Goldfish
      Prior Wednesday night, it had been 3 weeks. See, I was a good boy until then
      I was... peer pressured into doing it... whilst under the influence =|
      Also Climbing trees is fun. I feel like an Elf ;P
    18. Goldfish
      Would you believe me if I said 2 weeks?
      And I'm a good tree climber, I'm just a bad lander =P
    19. Goldfish
      I'd have to disagree. It's just me being an absolute fool of myself. But the misspelling has got to be the Ramstein thing. I've been sober for quite some time now.
      Anyway, I fell out of a tree. I just say wolverine fight becasue it makes up for a better story. I had a few cuts and scratches on my neck and everyone kept asking how it happened.
    20. Goldfish
      Apparently a "Ramntic" I must still be hungover or drunk from last night... Or maybe because I'm listening to a bit of Ramstein right now.
      Me proper? hah. that'll be the day. Thursday Morning I woke up with cuts and bruises again from gentlemen brawling with Hugh Jackman aka The Wolverine
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​