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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Become
      Any chance you can have her acknowledge is polite knocking on the door?
    2. Become
      I assumed it was in the meeting room, with all the high chairs. At least, that's where Aix is looking for her right now.
    3. Become
      Where in the castle is Xyliar??
    4. Goldfish
      But by doing that, you can break the interent
      (IT Crowd anyone? no?)
    5. Napoléon
      Do I? It would be my dream job, but very unlikely to happen xD

      Well if you were to visit Canada, Ontario is really one of the best places to visit, the Maritimes is sort of boring.

      I'm sorry that I get so busy all of the time. It's like the last few weeks of school and everything is beginning to pile >_<
    6. Haresuno
      Haha no worries. I've had it pronounced much differently before.
    7. Haresuno
      Ahahahaha really? How do you figure?
    8. Napoléon
      The only class is school that I was in love with was Physics XD
      I could honestly be a theoretical physicist and be the happiest person on the planet.

      True, and then come visit XD

      Anyways, I have to go now. I've got a busy day ahead of me. Later~~
    9. Napoléon
      Awh well, RP's tend to be more interesting than school XD

      Either or doesn't matter ^^
      You don't have a passport, however, so going to Canada isn't much of an option.
    10. Napoléon
      Makes sense, do you ever find that keeping up in RP's while in school difficult?

      So you plan on finding my province? :3
    11. Napoléon
      Well I didn't know you signed on in the early afternoon. I always thought you were a 7 o'clock person xD

      Well I said specifically that I live in New-Brunswick, Canada. Let me tell you, there's only one province named New-Brunswick ;]

      Studying can be so dull, friends personally are a lot more fun >_<
    12. Napoléon
      Desert you're on early. I'm going to post in the RP as soon as I'm done eating supper (:

      We should hook up, you even know what province I live in XD

      Just don't feel like studying?
    13. Goldfish
      hah, figures, I did the same. But replace eat out with sleep and 14 with 19...
    14. Napoléon
      Aww I feel so warm inside X3
      You seem like someone I could love also.

      That's the downfall of all mankind =\
      You staying up late because you have to study?
    15. ADogX
      ok. I try to post as fast as I can on my PS3. I got so confused when you&Destiny posted when I was tryna finish. But I made it all work.
    16. ADogX
      alright. I'll just wait to see what happens. I believe Roaring's characters are out? just putting it out there
    17. ADogX
      who knows. btw who's gonna control Gannon's character in New Org? (Not Malix)
    18. ADogX
      well I was hoping to fill in some gaps. I'm sure RPs get messy when ppl are unactive
    19. ADogX
      hey DW, I was wondering if you want to join Zol's KH3 RP. We're short an Organization member due to Gannon's absence
    20. Goldfish
      So you actually stayed on the computer for 14 hours? And stayed up til 4am? That's pretty Hardcore.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.