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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      Hmm... Everything ^_^
      Spill the beans boi!

      It's good, it's not that I assumed that you were related to Hitler or anything. *Cough cough* If you are I want your babies. *Cough cough* Can you speak German ?

      Do tell ;]
      *Gets out Desert Diary*
    2. Goldfish
      I guess I should have procrastinated that question then!
    3. Goldfish
      An old man once told me "Take opportunities with both hands"
      I then asked "what if you only have one hand? He hit me (he was like one of those old school disciplinary people). Besides the first quote, this has nothing to do with the subject.
    4. Napoléon
      Life ? I've never heard of that cereal brand before.
      Since I'm taking notes on you, if you don't mind sharing some things about yourself I'd be more than happy to listen ^_^

      Germany ? You've got Germain blood in you! That's sick. I know Oma, Opa and Scheiße.

      What do you mean by that? ;]
    5. Napoléon
      *Writes this down in my stalkish diary made about Desert Warrior* ^_^
      Wholesome meals, big fan of Captain Crunch.

      That's cool, what state does your family come from (Where like, your parents or grandparents grew up) ?

      Bless you, you're a saint. Hell doesn't sound too bad in my opinion though.
    6. Napoléon
      That's sexy. Can you ever remember what you ate the day before ?

      Are you an... DUN DUN DUN... Outsider ? Are you one of the people who entered the system of that town, but your family roots are somewhere else ? I find towns where almost everyone is related fun, I live in one ^_^

      Are you convinced that I'm not going to Hell ?
    7. Goldfish
      Today the world, tomorrow the future!
      I prefer taking intiatives and benefitting from the perks.
    8. Napoléon
      You suppose you have a great memory ? Are you able to memorize things, or do you just remember a lot of things that have happened to you in your life.

      God bless them; Pot smokers own all. However, HICK pot smokers, that's a whole other story. Who doesn't like hicks ?

      But doesn't that mean I committed that 'bad thing' in my heart ?
    9. EtherealSummoner
      ??? Are the kidnapping of the characters are mainly going to be at Castle Oblivion? That is where I am seeing this as of right now.
    10. Napoléon
      Some elements have better properties than others XD
      And maybe you like a compound that it makes. There are many reasons to have a favourite element.
      Do you have a good memory ?

      "For the most part" XD
      Do you have the crazy people in your town too.

      I was the one who thought of it. Why else would I go to Hell ?
    11. Napoléon
      Didn't you love dissection though?! Biology and physics are amazing, but chem is also great. Do you have a favourite element(s)

      Well that kind of ruins it. I imagines you guys living off of the goats in the mountains and getting water from an underground spring!

      Haha, I'm going to Hell. But yeah, I figured you wouldn't hurt your own children; it's kind of cruel and inhumane =\
    12. Napoléon
      You're into the simplicity of chemistry? That's cool, but don't you like the challenge that physics brings with it ? Are you a big biology fan ?

      So you actually live on a mountain ? That's awesome, are you guys separated from the rest of Cali XD

      Depends if it's someone you know, or if you had your own children. I hope you wouldn't want to beat your own kids x3
    13. Napoléon
      Wow, I thought math and science went hand to hand with one another D:

      What?! How can it possibly snow in California? This doesn't make sense to me. I live in Canada and it last snowed about a month ago, not a few days ago. I honestly thought that it was scorching hot where you lived.

      Now, I'd never beat children but they definitely should get time outs every once in a while. Do you like kids?
    14. Napoléon
      If you like science, does that mean you're a fan of math also ?

      There's snow in Calfornia o.O
      I thought it was too hot there for that. Like, I could have sworn you guys thought it was cold when it's 10'C outside XD

      That method never works D:
      I don't get angry often, unless it involves hormonal 12 year olds. I get crabby >.>
    15. Napoléon
      Well just because you're good at it doesn't mean you like it a lot right?
      It's like saying I do well in French class, but I'd never want a job where it involved a lot of French work.
      Or are you good at science and like it?

      It does, it has Slash and other rockstars. Ouu and sharks :3

      But how would you teach somebody to be calm? Listen to relaxing music all day and avoid road rage at all cost? XD
    16. Napoléon
      They're thinking more along the lines of the general practitioner in the army >_<
      I don't want to be a military medical doctor, I know the military needs somebody but I'd prefer if it wasn't me...
      Do you want to be a scientist ?

      Frankly, I never imagined California being composed of mountain communities. I always think about celebrities, fancy cars and fun around every corner.

      You think you could help me ? It would be appreciated (:
    17. Goldfish
      And being a smod here is one of the first steps to the dream. Fight on, lad. Live the dream.
    18. Napoléon
      I wish it were that easy but my parents expect me to be a doctor so I'm stuck in a loop =\

      You live in a small mountain community ? I live in a small community with a mountain, what are the chances. I truly think that it's boring here, nothing big ever happens in the Maritimes but I guess it makes life simple. You never really have to worry about anything, you know ?

      That's what I thought at first, but I was proven wrong. I'm too uptight to be chill.
    19. Goldfish
      You're making revolution here, like Che Guevara... minus the killing and blood shed and facism.
    20. Napoléon
      I should but I think I'm going to aim for something for practical like immunologist or something =\

      Maritimes, it's how I know it's boring. I've been to Ontario plenty of times and it's a lot more fun there XD

      I wish I could be more calm and collected like you.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.