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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      That's a big family. Do you all live with each other o.O

      I thought I should ask. Some people are rebels and decide that they don't want anything to do with politics XD

      I might as well add now that I fluently speak French ;3
      "Je veux t'embrasser partout" means
      "I want to kiss you everywhere (or all over)"
    2. Napoléon
      I think it might have been the microwave or something, it was the axis of heating evil XD MUAHAHA
      You have a step brother ?

      Isn't it ? Don't worry Steven Harper is a kiss-ass who's practically lap dancing for the President of the United States =\
      Are you going to be voting when elections come around again ? (It is coming up sometime in the near future over there right >.<)

      Come visit moi, je veux t'embrasser partout .x
    3. Napoléon
      How on earth did you do that? XD
      I bow down to you.

      That's not how the jokes go ;3
      It's just, Americans never seem to elect the brightest fellow to run the country.

      I'll do that incredibly dirty thing to you all day too X3
    4. Napoléon
      You're telling me ;p
      I burnt my arm on the inside of the oven though, so I'm a little terrified of them at the moment =[

      But that's what America is known for! You guys get to be on the butt-end to all of the jokes when it comes to intelligence!

      I'd glomp you like a teddy bear all day long X3
    5. Napoléon
      I can try to make you apple pie (:
      I'm getting better at cooking, you should see me boiling water! =D

      California is supposed to be broke. I just thought it was the States in general due to China and wasting money.
      Mind you, I always figured that Cali would be the money source for all of America =\

      You're so cuddly! I enjoy thoroughly chatting with you (:
    6. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Tahts the thing, it will be confusing, but if it plays out good and right like I want it to, it will be really cool
    7. Napoléon
      But but... I want to be your neighbour D:
      Neighbours make each other pies and tell stories around the camp fires.

      It seems to be alot of money out their in California. Is it like that everywhere in the states ? My parents we're complaining because gas went up a few more cents, but we're still in the dollar range. Like 1.25 or something.

      Awwh (: <3
      You're my prince charming.
    8. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Well I can help with that. Basically the town is infested with supernatural abilities and it can mess with peoples minds. I'm making an RP basing it off one of the most recent Silent Hills. Basically there will be a group of people who believed they had never been there before and just moved there a few months ago. After some time and an 'incident', they are all forced to visit the same therapist, and as the RP slowly progresses the people will come to realize that they grew up in the town and that there was some major accident that sent them to the therapist and they've been going there since the accident, slowly degressing and denying that they ever even lived there, some even subconciously changing their names to hide it from themselves. Mind you, the accident and 'incident' are different. The accident will be what made their minds warp, the incident is what their mind believes happens when the came to silent hill and what they remember seeing and happening.
    9. Napoléon
      But we're your neighbours! Don't you want to come visit some time ;]
      The hicks want you.

      6$ a gallon, it's only like a dollar something here XD
      How can you afford driving a car up there ?

      Well that felt stern =\
      I think I'm going to go cry now.
    10. Napoléon
      You don't know what Tim Hortons is ? o:
      It's only the best coffee, donut and muffin shop in Canada. Delicious, if you ever come up this way you have to pay a visit their.

      Yeah because not only do I live in Canada, but I live in Atlantic Canads =\
      East coast can be pretty far and very expensive when it comes to driving.

      Yeah I noticed how you and I use italics differently also xD
      I use it when people are thinking also, I just don't put " " (quotation marks) around it.
      Do you ever get confused because of this ?
    11. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Hey DW, I'm writing up a Silent Hill RP and was wondering if you'd be interested.
    12. Goldfish
      Tomorrow will be 102 F... Yet somehow it's going to snow at the same time
    13. Napoléon
      You like being my stud-muffin right ? ;3
      You're Tim Hortons muffin quality!

      Exactly! You'll have a lot more fun if you come get me first! I don't want to pay for the gas though >.<
      Well I can pay half and half ;]

      Hey DW, a question that has no relevance to what we've been talking about lately. I was wondering how you find my writing style is and if you have any suggestions for my personal improvement (:
    14. Napoléon
      I don't know if it has an exact definition, muffins are delicious and you're a stud ;]
      I just looked it up in the Urban Dictionary, it means a guy that gets the ladies easy XD

      You've been to Vegas 30 times ? Next time pack me in your suitcase! I'll be friendly I swear. And we can gamble when I'm old enough!
    15. Napoléon
      I love you being on this site as frequently as you are. You're my stud-muffin ;3
      I wish I had more time, but things keep popping up :\

      I guess, like Las Vegas! Imagine the party going down in that city every night!

    16. Goldfish
      Unimportant things like "Why is the rum always gone?"
    17. Goldfish
      We usually try to blame the odd one out. But these days we usually take responsibility because we tend to live on our own now, ahhaa
    18. Napoléon
      How do you always make time for your RP's everyday ?

      Awh why not ? Your mountain village sounds sexy! You could have little mountain children! +Insert In The Hall of the Mountain King+

      Your mind controls me as well ;]
    19. EtherealSummoner
      DX MEANIE!!! That's it! I'm gunna get ya!!
    20. EtherealSummoner
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.