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Denki Wolf
Last Activity:
Sep 16, 2012
Jul 6, 2009
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Home Page:
Sitting under a black pine bonsai tree sipping a c
I didn't get the job. >P

Denki Wolf

New Member, from Sitting under a black pine bonsai tree sipping a c

Denki Wolf was last seen:
Sep 16, 2012
    1. Light&dark
      Heey your a Yu-Gi-Oh fan?
    2. ADogX
      hey Denki, check out my albums. I made some demo custom Yu-Gi-Oh cards =D
    3. ADogX
      My Shi En can beat your Stardust >=D
    4. King Wolfe
      King Wolfe
      Ohaiyo ^^

      To be honest, I'd prefer Wolfe over King. Not used to anyone calling me King.
    5. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Soul Eater, but idk which episode. Imma have to watch it again >.<
    6. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      ehhhh, Good while you say. :(
      But hey, You'll be walking and running and going everywhere in no time! :)
    7. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Awesome for you to say! I couldn't survive not being able to work out!!!
      So you still laying?
    8. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      xO That is horrible?!! How's your leg??
    9. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Yes it sure has been! :P
      Great to see you as well.
      I've been super duper awesome, how about yourself? :)
    10. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hi Denki! Been a long time. :P
    11. Napoléon
      Ou Graphic Design sounds fun :3
      If you were pursuing that, what would your ideal job be ?

      That's awesome, I should have taken judo classes because it would have helped strenghten me a little, but it was too much work and cut into my sleeping. I nap twice a day normally for two hour periods =\
      So far, what are you able to do in those classes ?

      Great, I'm never in a hurry ^.^
      I'm chilled when it comes to these things, but I'll post in the roleplay as soon as I'm done writing in the one between Desert and I (:
    12. Napoléon
      No way ^.^ Going to college or university ? Ou and what are you studying ?
      I find smaller classes are better because you get more help when you need it =\
      Sometimes with large classes it's hard to get noticed.

      You don't mind do you? (:
    13. Napoléon
      Wait, are you in high school or college o.O
      Well with practise you'll get better :]
      Is it a large class that you're in ?

      All righty, I'll probably post tomorrow morning since it's getting late on my end >.>
    14. Napoléon
      Bleh yeah, tomorrow's my last day then I'm done for the summer =\
      How long have you been done school for then o:

      Judo was a good workout, I have no upper body strength so I had a hard time lifting people up >.>
      After some time I got it though!
    15. Napoléon
      Don't worry about it, my last exam is tomorrow so I've been busy studying lately ^^
      All right, so that means that our characters have to get to know each other before the mission ends. I still question how we'll get in space, but we'll see.
      Judo ? How was that ? I took a lesson once because my friend was taking a class and I was over at her place.
    16. Napoléon
      All right ^^
      So does that mean that our characters shall meet each other ?
      Do you know how our people will encounter the ones in space ? :\
    17. Napoléon
      So will I be at just an average shooting range perhaps close to a military base, but not directly in one ? ^.^
      I really should have worked out the details before-hand =\
    18. Napoléon
      Elise and her father run a shooting range, but I never did specify whether or not it was in or near a military base. It can be in one if it helps out with your role in the story ^.^
      I don't do well with specifics either =\
    19. Napoléon
      Hmm, now that I think about it I never specified where I was from =\
      Elise Krieszenz in on Earth.. In umm... probably out in California. If you can think about a better place, I'm more than happy to hear your suggestion because I made that up on the spot ^^;
    20. The Heartless King
      The Heartless King
      what do you mean by intertwine?
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Sitting under a black pine bonsai tree sipping a c
    I didn't get the job. >P
    I am very passive. You do something to me and a few minutes later I will be fine.

    I collect wolf stuff, like statues.
