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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      Well then I'm not happy Desert >_<
      You seem like such a chatty person.

      Making me do it myself ? I'm quite shocked now. Fine I'll read it myself sometime.

      In person with me ? Or in person with somebody else ? If I ever teach you anything in person it's going to be French. I use that language on a regular basis !

      Well then, go visit the ones that live close. I can't believe that you don't want to adventure around your mountain ! I would die to.

      Are you just saying that or do you really mean it ?
      I know I write small >_<
    2. Napoléon
      You do need to come up with something else. Fast. I'm not impressed =P

      Wait what ? He was able to rewrite a battle the way he seen fit ? That's madly awesome. Tell me a bit more about Madara and what happened to him during the series, I feel like I missed so much. I also didn't even know that he had rinnegan in one eye. I was wondering if he wanted to take Sasuke's eyes; Just a random question.

      I have some native in my blood also, but it wayyy down the line. I'm as white as can be. I know a few words though that I can teach you sometime ;]

      Really, I'm more than welcomed to ? :3
      I'm going to have to get to know all of your neighbours if I do. I love lonely old people. Know any of them ?

      My writing is pretty bad, you'll see.
    3. Napoléon
      The excuse kind of worked; I'm still not impressed with you though =P

      Well if he were only a ghost of his former self than why hasn't he been beaten yet ? And (It was the First Hokage right ?) who beat him in battle before. I think Madara's strong, but not invincible.

      We refer to them as First Nations in this city. I can call them Native Americans if you really want me to.
      Wait ! If your family comes from one of the tribes why did you ask me if Mi'kmaq was real >_<
      I'm not crazy.

      Psshh, you have to live a little. I could care less if I were there. It would be so awesome looking around that place, especially at night ! I've got to look around your town someday.

      It's not an inconvenience to me, don't worry. I'm quite enjoying myself. I can be very creative sometime, but the map looks better in my sketch book =\
      I'm afraid that you won't be able to read my writing too ._.
    4. Napoléon
      I'm making up a lot of names, I hope you don't mind. The thing I'm afraid of most is that you won't be able to read my tiny hand writing. We'll see. I finished half of the map yesterday but I got struck with a massive headache so I decided to call it a night. I plan on finishing it this afternoon sometime.

      I had to split this in two due to character limit >_<
    5. Napoléon
      I like the question mark at the end =P
      I debate sometimes if I intimidate you ._.

      I didn't see that coming, I think Madara's going to own all. He clearly can't though because why would the anime be called Naruto if he wasn't able to overcome the biggest bad guy >.<

      Mi'kmaq is real. Did you ever hear about the First Nations on your mountain ? The people who lived in North America first and the white men tricked them into giving up their territory ? We have First Nations in both Canada and The United States who live on reserves. I live right next to a reserve and the natives there speak Mi'kmaq. (Well the elders can speak it fluently, the teens know only a few words because they use English at our school.) I know a few words in Mi'kmaq also, however, I probably don't spell them right =\

      You should be exploring! I would so walk around and check out that mountain if I were there! It'd be great exercise and it would be fun! Bwahhh you should look around sometime for me.
    6. Napoléon
      If you did care then why didn't you say much ? >.<

      All of the Zetsu clones ? o.O
      What are you talking about ? Since when did Zetsu have clones ? How many of him are there ? I thought that it was just Nagato who had multiple clones of himself.

      I can pronouce that. You should hear my Mi'kmaq ;]

      I bet your hometown is actually really fun and it only seems boring because you lived there for so long, you know ? Once you're gone from there you might actually miss it.

      Okay, it's going to take me a while to draw it up but I'll be done as soon as possible.
      What's the name of our region, or do you want me to name that too ?
    7. Become
      I think, though I could be wrong, that New Org is suffering from the same issue as Aother Story did.
    8. Napoléon
      Hey Desert, off topic and related to our RP, do you have any names of towns or cities that we could use ? (Even placers for that matter)
      I want to make up a map and scan it unto the computer so that we have a bit more of an idea on where our roleplay is taking place. I could always make them all up if you have no suggestion, but I'm not necessarily the best with names. We're stuck with Mesmera and Ryaza though XD
      In proportion to everything, where is your town found ? Is in north, south or east of Catara ? (Can't be west because that's the direction we're heading in)
      And what is the name of our entire region ? Like Zélta or something. (You know how in Pokémon it's the Johto region and what not.)
    9. Napoléon
      It sounded that way though o:
      It was like you didn't care.

      Wait what !? Kisame killed himself !? When ? Nuuuu T_T
      He was like the best thing since sliced bread, how could he do such a thing ? He missed Itachi didn't he ? Didn't he !?
      Darn Guy..... Atleast I still have my Zetsu ._.

      That doesn't make it easier, how about Abadabajiajig (I probably spelt that wrong)

      Too true, if you stayed in your mountain area though it wouldn't be the end of the world, eh ? (:
    10. dualblade
      heh.good job.maybe one day it will be beat again though
    11. Goldfish
      I'm afraid I'll wind up with that crappy slush snow that's not soft but annoyingly cold and hard.
    12. Napoléon
      Now that's sarcasm. I feel crushed now ._.

      Well that's not cool, I want to know if he still looks young and hip! Is Kisame still alive, and Zetsu ?

      What would you suggest then ?

      I guess it's pretty far into the future to know anyway (:
      I have a feeling that once I'm older I'll know exactly where I want to live and the same would apply to you.x
    13. Napoléon
      Anything from cuts to scratched ._.
      It seems to take ages for cuts to heal on me >_<

      So he was Madara! Does he still look gorgeous like in the statue where Sasuke and Naruto fought before the fillers came and ruined it all.

      They'd never think of socks though because it's so simple. They'd expect something difficult and we would be fooling them ;]

      I think your mom would miss you also =\
      You're going to be stuck in that mountain village.
    14. ADogX
      ...ok. sorry
    15. Goldfish
      And I for one have never seen snow. Though I hype up about it so much that when I do see it I'll probably be disappointed.
    16. Napoléon
      I find that it takes a long time for my wounds to heal though =\
      Is that normal ?

      Has it been revealed who Tobi is yet ?
      I was left thinking it was Madara, but it was never just flat out said that he was.
      My favourite character is Gaara (:

      Ouu like.... Socks XD

      I guess, but it would still be a mighty drive T_T
      Your mom doesn't mind you moving far away ?
    17. Napoléon
      After a while wounds heal. I got a blister on the back of my left heel after breaking in some new converse two weeks back in it's still there T_T

      Somebody likes Naruto a lot ;D
      I think it would make the series dull is Naruto was all powerful because then nobody would stand a chance against him. He'd be like the ultimate Mary-Sue.

      What do I do, write it on my arm or something XD

      What happened if you moved to a state on the west side of Canada. That's still pretty bad because then I'd have to drive across Canada to see you ._.
    18. Napoléon
      Which would be terrible because I wouldn't be able to fix your fist so I'd feel useless T_T

      Where would the fun be if Sasuke wasn't getting just as powerful as Naruto ?
      Naruto was never as strong as Sasuke was and it would be odd if he could overpower him.

      Ouu that's smart. What happens if I forget the password though D:
      Our plan would fail.

      Which state would you want to move to? ^-^
      Canada's nice though, just saying.
    19. Napoléon
      Only a little violence, not much at all XD
      Having a tooth in your hand might mean that you broke the other guys jaw or something XD

      Don't hate Sasuke, he always seemed cool, calm and collected.
      Why would you hate him in the first place ?

      Oho, you want my attention ;3
      I'll take special care of you, naughty nurse style~
      What happens if I thought one of the clones was the real one though.

      Awww :3
      Would you ever move to Canada to be closer to me ? Regular trips to the other side of the States would be terrible ._.
    20. ADogX
      hey Desert, in New Org, Daxma knocking on Xylar's door. He's with NitonXao. Just letting you know in case you miss it.