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New Member, from Denmark

Mudstoise was last seen:
Nov 24, 2013
    1. 8-Bit
      Thanks !!!!!!!!!
    2. Hatori
      I just found it on Google searching random stuff :I
    3. Napoléon
      Thanks ! (:

      I wish I was like that. I never seem to hear small effects or random beats in the background. The only time that I notice another sound that isn't in the forefront is if I listen to the song nonstop for a long period of time.
      I want to replay Kingdom Hearts II, I haven't touched it in a little over a year and a half and I can't seem to recall all of the soundtrack music to it. I can remember some, granted, but not even close to all >_<
      I plan on going on to my mom's laptop later and then I'll listen to "Okami the Sun Rises", the laptop that I'm currently on doesn't like youtube. It always overheats :P
    4. Napoléon
      Bwah, no hard feelings. I'm sorry for getting a little upset :\
      I find you're cool, so don't worry about it.

      Yeah that is very fitting, I never noticed it though. How do you always seem to catch these things :P
      Man, I'm going to have to set up my PS2 again (we were switching my tv for a new one and I never got around to hooking it up yet) and listen for that ! I think it's just me who never catches on to stuff like that. My poor little oblivious world >.<
    5. Napoléon
      For the record, you did not say that you played Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Treasure Planet. You said, and I quote "Recently I made a good deal with 3 classic PS1 games for around $11.50..." "Two of them are voiced over in danish and those games are fun to collect since it's not very often that games over here get voiced over in danish." Now where in that do you see the sentence, "I played this and that game". No where because you didn't. Also, you didn't even mention to me which ones were Danish, for all I know it could have been Heart of Darkness and Treasure Planet that were. I buy video games and never play them, it could have been the same case.

      No, not yet :\
    6. Napoléon
      I don't know who Neo Sonic is. I only have the two Sonic games, and he's in neither of them. I'm not one of those all-knowing people, I don't always have time to look random things up. So no, I didn't know that Neo Metal Sonic was a bad guy.

      I could, but my laptop can't handle video games and my brother doesn't want me downloading games onto his computer. Good suggestion though =\

      Yes, I know exactly what you mean ! The heartbeat was what freaked me out too. It was a creepy looking brute too, which made it worse.
    7. Napoléon
      Jak and Daxter was one of the first video games that I was able to beat ! I enjoyed collecting Power Cells and Precursor Orbs too. That shark creature in the game used to freak me out though when I was a kid ! I mean, it took a chunk out of a fisherman's boat !

      Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ?! O: I've only played the Philosopher's Stone for the PC ! I used to watch the movie Treasure Planet too ! Have you played any of them ? (Which are voiced over in Danish ?)

      I figured it would be Youtube, there's isn't many other places where you can find video's >->
    8. Napoléon
      I understand, I get a little chatty too at times ^_^

      Oh man, what's the name for the Nintendo 64 one ? Super Smash Bro's Melee ? My mind is so confused right now, as if a huge amount of jell-o was put in there without me knowing >_< Neo Metal Sonic is more awesome than the regular Sonic ? I didn't think that was possible ! I hope he's a good guy too because how could that blue hedgehog possibly beat somebody who is more cool than he is. (Unless he's more awesome because of his looks and not because of his strength of course :P )

      I can tell that you like it ;) I kind of wish that I could play it, but the only place I might be able to locate it is on Ebay. I know that when I was younger I loved watching that movie so I'm sure I would like playing the video game for it ! I only vaguely remember the storyline, now that I think about it. I really should watch it again >_<
    9. Napoléon
      Chao ! That's it ! I was trying so hard, but I could remember the name of them. They're absolutely adorable, don't you find ? I'll look into Sonic Heroes, I don't know who Neo Metal Sonic is, but by the name I'm assuming that it's a metal sonic :P I envision it looking similar to the Metal Mario in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo 64. (Did you play that one ?)

      I remember A Bug's Life movie ! xD
      You like Jak and Daxter ?! Me too ! I also enjoy, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, .Hack//Sign series, Dark Cloud 2, Mario Kart (List keeps going on...)
      I basically like PS2 roleplaying games and old school ones for the N64.

      You mean on Youtube right ? You find some strange things ;P
    10. Napoléon
      I'm inspired to play one of my Sonic games because of this conversation. I only have Gamecube ones and it's between Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I think I'm going to start the latter one though, I enjoy the racing in it. I also like the little people, I don't remember what they're called, but they're cute with their big tear drop shaped heads ^_^
      Awh, that sounds so random. What kind of games do you like Mustoise ? I don't believe I've asked you.

      No, I've never even heard about it. What's Dragonball Z/Yu-Gi-Oh! the abridged ? O:
    11. Napoléon
      Makes sense, I think it would be boring to watch somebody play a game then play it for myself :P There's not much fun to it because you already know how the story will unfold ! There's no mysteries to allure you or have you wondering what will happen next. ( I could be just me though ^^; )
      How can he not remember cheating on his girlfriend ? I'd think that would be permanently etched into somebody's mind. But as for a giant monster version of his girlfriend chasing him with a giant fork, I classify that as freaky. Not to mention that I'm a baby when it comes to gore xD I think I'll watch his review and skip playing the game !

      Are you in love with him ;)
      I understand though, we all have certain things, moments or people that are able to make us happy. It's what makes life more bearable.
    12. Napoléon
      The girl who was the voice actor for Ash did a good job also, but in the later series he sounds like he hit puberty due to the fact they changed the original chick >_< When is comes to Gohan in DragonBall Z, maybe they were going for the aging puberty affect too.
      I love Naruto's voice too. I couldn't tell that it wasn't a man though xD
    13. Napoléon
      I love versatile gamers, I'm always stuck in a rut playing similar games most of the time and not going into another zone. My gaming comfort zone is too strong for me to overcome >.< I used to play both Mega Man and Sonic, but I haven't touched those kinds of video games in ages. As of late, I've been mainly playing Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda. But horror movies scare me so I doubt I could play a game like Catherine without having to change my pants a few times :P
      You're a dedicated person; I can't watch the playthroughs of most games in general because then I don't see the point in playing the game myself. I can only watch somebody else playing a game if I've already beaten it. Or if the game doesn't interest me enough to sit down and play though it :P
    14. Napoléon
      I've got to youtube him today when I'm on my other computer, he sounds wicked awesome ! I could only imagine somebody starting a video with "Aloha!" XD Nobody seems to be that cool these days. What different types of video games does he play ? Do you see his entire playthrough for each one ? ^^

      I've never looked up who the voice actors are (After realizing that Ash from Pokemon was played by a girl my life was shattered) but now I realize the Kid Goku was played by a chick too D:
      Why ? Why can't they get a young boy to do the voice overs ? I also don't like it when they change the voice actors for certain animes since I normally grow attached to the first one and the second one always seems to annoy me... It seems to occur more often for the longer anime series though.
    15. Napoléon
      I should check out The Great Clement, he may have some good insights. Plus I want to hear him say "Toodles" ! How did you discover him ? ^_^

      I understand what you mean, I do it to if I heard the English voices before reading the manga. Also when I read a book that was made into a movie like the Lord of the Rings (Those movies were made quite a while back), when I ended up reading the novels a few months back I envisioned the characters exactly as they were in the film ;)
    16. Napoléon
      Sonic the Hedgehog ? o:
      I have a few Sonic games, but they're for the Gamecube. I've frankly never heard of The Great Clement before, however, I do like his catch phrase "toodles" >.> Maybe I should use that word more.

      The English voice acting for them were pretty good too in my opinion. I'm one of those people that normally prefer a manga though, but I doubt very much that I'll have the time to read those. I like having the creativity to picture voices as opposed to listening to anothers interpretations ;)
    17. Luke
      You may have to use images that arent from photobucket cause they have an anti leeching thing that stops people from getting photos from that specific photobucket
    18. Napoléon
      Who's The Great Clement ? XD (Maybe I know him/her, but the name doesn't seem to be ringing any bells...)
      Wow, you've read a lot of manga's; A lot more than me atleast ~!
      I've watched Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball and Bakuman, are the mangas better than the tv shows ? (:
    19. Luke
    20. Hatori
      Oh it's the best ^^ I love all the comedy and character interections. You can watch it on
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  • About

    I have a big heart, and I love manga and video games :D

    Manga, Animé, poetry, videogames.


    "The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in... but I've learned, that deep down there is a light that NEVER goes out!" - Sora