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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Only that it is different from mine.
      So how do you taste?
      The only similar saying I've ever heard is when somebody asks "Are we clear?" and the person replies "Crystal clear."
      My independence takes on a very broad stance. If I feel I should follow your orders and make you happy sometime, then I will do it.

      Maybe :rolleyes:
    2. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      You just said we have different points of view. You made me aware.
      Should doesn't mean required.
      That or it is one of those crazy Canadian phrases (Like the stereotypical abuse of 'Eh').
      No. I'm independent and do what I feel I should do.

      As proud as I need to be.

      Hey, gotta have my eyes set on something.
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I'm aware.
      Do you have to be cool to taste yourself?
      When is "As clear as mud" a saying? I have never once heard somebody say that.
      So you think you own me? And what makes you think I will follow your orders?

      Yep :)

      Fine then.
      I'll keep on wishing.
    4. Retrace
      Me? Just computer, and er... more computer! Yay! But I've been going to bed extremely late lately; like around 3am-ish, and when I wake up it's always time for lunch. =_=; Today I only had 5 - 6 hours nap because I had to go out to town, and my body was totally dead, I was just so lazy to move. xD

      Haha, she always goes on about how it "messes her sleeping pattern". Even if she has 2 hours sleep during the night (when we have sleepovers), she never goes home to take a nap. Haha yes! :P I love cats too, they're not my most favourite animals, but they're one of them. <3
    5. Retrace
      Mhm, I totally agree. I can't even remember anything major or exciting that has happened this summer... So it's going to be another forgetful summer for me. Dx Ahaha, likewise. :3 A few of my friends nap, but then there's this one friend who's like really against naps LOL. Same here, it would be a really easy life~ <3
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Of course. I have no intentions of just jumping into marriage.
      So you taste yourself?
      What if it was really diluted mud? That's kinda clear.
      I'm not exactly the type of person who sees people as property.

      Awww. But it's so fun and it's what I do.

      I wasn't even aware there was one going on.
      I would massage them for you if I could.
    7. Chroma
      Lol. That sounds like fun, though. xD
      I got a new video game, which I am now addicted to, so now my time is usually taken up by it. * o *
    8. Retrace
      Thanks. :P It finishes around 2nd or 3rd of September - around that time, which is in 3 weeks... D: Yeah, it really relaxes me, and usually the next day I feel more lively because I usually have lack of sleep if I don't take naps. I tend to nap around 5 - 7pm, or 1 - 3pm, ahaha. xD Napping when it's sunny is quite nice. :3
    9. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Online like this? No. In real life, I suppose. Obviously we'd have to be dating for a little while beforehand, but I don't see why not.
      I didn't expect you to.
      I don't know how clear mud can get.
      Your bed has become an eldritch abomination.

      Doesn't everybody?


      Maybe. Every Pokemon RP that's been made has always failed.
    10. DarkAngel
    11. DarkAngel
      well if you don't join could you atleast spread the word...
    12. DarkAngel
      I see...Thank what do you think of the RP
    13. Retrace
      I've just been trying to do my scrapbook for my art project I was given for summer, but I've lost all the motivation and inspiration to carry on haha, and it's like the only thing I need to do then I'm finished. And yes, I nap all the time. C: My friends thinks it's weird that I can nap during the daylight and stuff. XD
    14. DarkAngel
      it probly ain't but like I said its just a faze...It will pass soon...
    15. DarkAngel
      I am a little light headed because of my strik on drinking blood...its a faze that I am going through...
    16. DarkAngel
      yes...I can not speack any other langueg fluently..."Kon ic iwa":)
    17. DarkAngel
      I am from the states...
    18. DarkAngel
      just post your character if you like it...and I did a girl for the RP for a change...
    19. DarkAngel
      I hope you like it...
    20. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Just because something gets in the way of my desires does not mean I'm jealous. I don't like the feeling of it, so I don't experience it.
      But I bet you're tastier.
      Okay then.
      That's... Disturbing.

      There's one thing about not liking doing anything for yourself, and then there's being unable to do anything for yourself. I don't think anybody likes being unable to do anything.

      I believe you.
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​