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Last Activity:
Nov 24, 2013
May 19, 2011
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New Member, from Denmark

Mudstoise was last seen:
Nov 24, 2013
    1. Noir
      If your talking about the avatar, well, he's a character from Grand Chase, an online game. look it up. his name is Zero. i edited the avatar myself.
    2. DigitalNeonZ
      Hello thuur how r yeeww? ;D
    3. Napoléon
      See Canada is a hot spot ;D (Well it's actually quite cold around here most days...) But yeah, it's a well respected country and it has snow that refuses to leave, depending on where you go and all. Come and visit.

      Looking back at it now, you must find it a little funny too XD

      I wrote back to you, but I haven't got a reply yet D:
      I figure you must be a busy bee.

      I never watched Brotherhood, just read the manga, but I heard it's supposed to follow the storyline a lot better than the original anime. I was considering checking it out ^_^
      You would watch an anime over doing your homework ? Really ? I always finish homework first, but maybe that's because I'm a bit of a nerd ._.
    4. Napoléon
      Choose Canada, we're the sexier country ;D We have a great health care plan for all individuals ~ Ohh, and not to mention amazing prices on video games...

      Wow, too bad school had to be that difficult for you :| At least it's done and over with now. I feel quite lucky though, I've never failed a year or missed an exam. I feel slightly bad for you though when you went to the wrong room and no teacher bothered to tell you XD Would you be mad if it mad me giggle a bit ?

      Hey, you complain over my lazy-ness and you're a fellow lazy person ;) What a sneaky bugger you are !

      You're quite lucky because I found some time, after studying for my Bio test, to write back to your email today ;D

      I love FullMetal Alchemist (I thought I should mention that)~ It's like, one of my favourite manga's of all time !
      I've been doing swell lately; I've been getting a lot of homework lately and doing a lot of projects. But other than that, I've been golden.
    5. Napoléon
      Would I make you feel bad if I told you that games and whatnot are cheap here ? ^^
      Come to Canada, we have good prices ;D

      You're still in high school sweetie ? Why is that :(

      I wrote back to you ! *Replies happily* :D
      Again, sorry it took so long. I'm going to try and write back to you every Friday from now on since it's really one of the only nights that I don't need to do homework !

      But anyways, how have you been lately ? :3
    6. Napoléon
      Why are games expensive in Denmark ? o.O

      Thanks, I try to have a flawless average and hand things in on time. I'm going to be applying to Universities soon !

      Don't eat me D:
      I heart you with a passion, but I keep getting caught up with homework. The amount I'm getting is a little crazy ! How would you feel if I wrote back to you on Friday (since I can always do my homework on Saturday or Sunday XD)
      Please don't hate me ._.
    7. Napoléon
      I can't understand why I never heard of it before... But it makes sense ^_^
      If I were to buy a game from... The UK or something, would there be region protection on that ?

      Would it surprise you if I told you that I manage well with school ? I always do my homework ;)
    8. Wave57
      I haven't played re:CoM yet, and I will probably get it the next chance I have.

      I don't have a 3DS, but I plan on getting one soon.
      If not I have a friend who /might/ let me borrow it (slim chance, but who knows).
    9. Wave57
      I agree completely.

      Haha, wow that's hilarious, but yeah the story has gotten so complex and dynamic (I love it anyways).

      I'll try to get it asap, but I'm kinda low on cash, but I'm trying to get a job.
    10. Wave57
      KHII is my favorite since the flaws in KHI were obvious when you played II,

      The KH story is my favorite story of all time, it is consistently good.
    11. Napoléon
      I didn't know there was "Region Protection". How on earth does that work ? XD You're a dedicated Kingdom Hearts fan though~

      I'm sorry that it's annoying you, I'm just one of those lazy people ._.
      You're awesome though, so I'm going to respond back to you later on tonight and make it super long >.>
    12. Wave57
      As a matter of fact I have.
      I'm playing through the whole series right now, and am currently completing KH1. I beat it yesterday and I am working on Sephiroth.
    13. Wave57
      You are my first friend here!
      You seem like a real cool dude, hope we get to know each other a bit here.
    14. Napoléon
      I think so too ! I still haven't got around to looking for Okami on eBay, but I know it should definitely be there. I was thinking about getting it for Christmas or something xD

      How can you be so nice to me ? I'm a lazy duck >_<
    15. Napoléon
      Ohh, the awesome part of having a little brother ! Would you ever want to play Okami ? xD

      I can't listen to it on this laptop because Youtube overheats it >_< I'll have to go on my mom's later and check it out though. I'm getting a new computer, however. Finally.

      Anyways, I'm going to write back to that email soon. I'm so lazy, I'm sorry about that ._.
    16. Napoléon
      I'm sorry for thinking that D:

      Wait, so you know the final song yet you've never played the game before XD Were you watching a playthrough of it on youtube or something ? I'm going to creep eBay tomorrow, it's 12:37AM on my end and I'll be going to sleep soon.
    17. Napoléon
      Oh wait, so you don't have Myst at all ? (I wrote back to the email first, just to let you know :P ) Anyways, I specified through mail which game my brother has, if you know anything about it I'd appreciate it :)

      Bwah, I love that comment ! It is an epic song. Do you, by chance, know where I could find Okami ? I would prefer not buying it online, but if I have to I will >_> How did you like the game ? I was watching playthroughs for it and it looked quite interesting. I love how the entire game looks.
    18. Napoléon
      Not recently, but I watched one a week or so ago when you mentioned him ^_^
      Myst ? Is it by any chance a PC game ? I swear my brother has it, but I never looked into it before. (I could be thinking of another game though) What platform is it for ? This must be the game you bought that you emailed me about ! :P

      Ohh ohh~ I listened to "Okami the Sun Rises" and I thought it was absolutely beautiful ! I was looking for that video game when I was on vacation, but I couldn't find it...
    19. DigitalNeonZ
      Your welcome and thanks yew tew
    20. 8-Bit
      Nah just got it of google
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  • About

    I have a big heart, and I love manga and video games :D

    Manga, Animé, poetry, videogames.


    "The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in... but I've learned, that deep down there is a light that NEVER goes out!" - Sora