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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      But that's towards Mexico. Too hot for me.
      Because I'm certain you have before.
      I don't remember.

      Being wrapped around your finger is different than being fooled.
      Then get somebody to worship you.
    2. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      To be honest, the only place there seems to be for me to run is towards you. I'm west from your location, and there isn't much farther west I can run.
      I'd rather not.
      Just for fun. And besides, don't you try to mess with me sometimes?
      Something to do about some Indians in it. I don't remember much about the movie since it's been forever since I've seen it.

      You wish.
      At first, sure. But after a while, you'll learn to like it.
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      So you're telling me I should run away from you? I'm getting mixed signals here.
      My hair is probably about 2 inches right now.
      Maybe a little.
      I don't remember all of them, but on the list there was Aladdin, Dumbo, and Peter Pan.

      Doesn't everybody want to be worshiped?
    4. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Is creepy obsessive love really a good thing?
      I'd rather not. That would take too long. I have appearances to uphold you know.
      I was going to keep on asking you questions until you noticed that I was hounding you with questions.
      I remember finding that out on I think the article was titled 10 Disney movies that were racist.

      :rolleyes: Sure. You will not trap me!
      I'm kinda hoping you do.
    5. Nova
      And not gonna lie I was kind of being serious xD Ranger and DW are boss. But dont tell them I said that or they will get big heads and nobody wants that ;P teehee jk
      And yep, Sorabrawl joined my first RP here. Technically Shikamaru and Sorabrawl were my frist friends here but Shikamaru got all stuck up and never says hi anymore ;D
      Kk sendingn PM as soon as I am done with this VM. xD
      It is the ultimate bad guy. LIke the hitler of communication. >.>
    6. Nova
      I doubt that. :) But even so, singing is best done like no one is listening whenever. I bust it out in class all the time :p Teachers hated me mwahahahaha
      LOL You would probably get reported and look like a mega jerk but inwardly everyone would be applauding you and wishing they had the cahoonas to comment something that awesome ;)
      And YES a very long test that you and I would create with stalkerish embarassing questions of course! ;D We would not have to take it beecause everyone would recognise us as the poligamist Powerpuffs from their history books ;D
      :O THATS EPIC! Ky and I will have to join forces with these dolphins immediately!
      Naw he doesnt pay attention xD
    7. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      You're cool. Kinda weird. Likes me for reasons I don't quite understand. Fairly different from me in terms of viewpoints.
      My hair isn't long enough for that :p
      Because you said you didn't like being asked questions. I wondered when you'd notice that.
      Been a while since I've seen those movies. Although did you know the original version of the opening song was deemed racist? There's a line in it that goes something like "Where they cut off your hand if they don't like your face." I thought that was kinda funny.

      I have a feeling that you didn't, and you're trying to by saying you did.
    8. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I figured the face was right for you saying you adore me so much.
      What is so wrong with those side buns?
      Why aren't you either of them?
      Well, you could always hope that I get it fixed soon.

      It's both. Although I have no idea how you fooled me.
      Yes it does. You must worship me :D
    9. Mudstoise
      I just ordered KH: Re:CoM on the internet so I should have it in a couple of weeks. And yes I bought it even though I know that I won't be able to play it xD you see the game never made it to Europe, and if I buy it from US then there will be "region protection". But I still wan't it because I love Chain of Memories, and I am currently playing it on a PS2 emulator ;)

      How, you ask? Well it's quite simple really :) I am a varmhearted person by nature, and also I draw my inspiration from Sora. He's nice to everyone, and so am I, because it feels good :) Sure it's a bit annoying that you haven't yet answered my mail, but it's nothing to get upset about^^
    10. Nova
      But the thing is I only do because I have a major crush on Desert Warrior and Ranger xD jk and Sorabrawl was the first friend I met here and is awesome beyond all reason. xD Yes I did admit to all three of those things but all three of them are good friends.
      haha and I'll PM you about that last one. I dont need lurking eyes thinking things they shouldn't xD
      LOL BS Wonderwoman could probably kick my bum but we can prentend that I could teach her a lesson or two xD
      Yes Indeeeed. or overdose... Im not sure which one of them said it because I use to get the two of them confused xD I was a weird kid when I first joined this forum.... *memories*
      I cant though. Its a big ol ball of lame and I'm too lazy to go change the stupid limit so I gotta deal with it xD
    11. Nova
      LOL Its just alright. I'm sure yours is fantastic. :)
      hahahahaha thats ok it was kind of the point xD And yes I totally agree and then once they post those pictures they write under it "Im so fat" or "I'm so ugly" and your like "um woman if you dont like the picture dont put it on the interet. THis really isn't rocket science... but now that you mention it yes you are ugly and fat and your hair looks weird too! ;) jk jk
      There should be a maturity limit for most social networking sights... except if that were put into effect I would probably not meet the standards xD
      And yeah I was just as shocked when I learned the news today. I want a pink dolphin! :0
      And he gets frustrated cuz I dont add him to my real fb or msn and he knows I dont.
    12. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      :3 I am adorable.
      Well, I remember my mom faked the side buns. She curled yarn around some cut up cardboard or something.
      Why is that?
      I would if I could. But unfortunately my spaceship is kinda broken right now. I don't know how long it'll be until it is fixed.

      I was wondering why you did that. I suppose drama is either not conveyed well enough online or it is conveyed too well online.
      But why not? You just said you liked me.
    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      And I bet you'd look absolutely beautiful in a wedding dress.
      lol. My little sister was once Leia for Halloween long, long ago. Like when she was 4.
      But why don't you like questions?
      Okay, so we're short one super hot and amazingly cool woman.

      I don't mean to. I am sorry.
      So do you agree with me now?
    14. Nova
      Gah stupid text limit. Admin Not Like. ><
    15. Nova
      YES! I wish people could understand that. People are always so focused on "hows my hair" the forget "oh Im an ass' It gets very frustrating xD
      I know the feeling. I had to delete mine for a while too but more for I kept getting hacked and had to delete it anyway for seminary type reasons but I made a new one a couple months later and also a different one for my online self xD I'm kind of a geek that way. besides like three people from this forum, I keep my online life and my personal life seprate. xD It ticks off Rai sometimes but thats just how its gotta be!
      YES! But I am the worlds most awesome amazing ninja in the world so we will just hire tough warrior men (or masculine ladies) to be our bodyguards and I will teach them the ninja skills they will need to be invincible warriors! (uses the ninja only exit)
      And yes xD Daww Thanks you makin me blawsh :o. And yes apparently his brothersisterthingy decided we were xD I dont remember when that was xD
    16. Nova
      hahahaha I agree. You could be like the other me in some foreign land called Canada. :o
      LOL Good because I think my random rants can be quite annoying sometimes and its not like I've ever been told that I am just pretty sure they do because I go off on the most rediculous things like attractiveness in random boys except any of the ones casted in that ghastly twilight movie and also about small strange creatures like pink dolphins which actually by the way do exsist or like the annoyingness of young ladies who post many of the oh so sexy 'duckface' pictures on facebook and then immediately insult themselves in the hopes of getting a quick compliment *rants on about more random various topics for an hour at very high speeds that are hard for most of the male species to understand* xD
    17. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Hey, I have both :D
      The swirly side buns?
      Why not?
      Does too. We have space travel. Therefore, our technology is more advanced. Therefore, we have cooler things.

      But it's only 10:36 PM here.
      Don't you want to be better than one though? To be perfectly honest, they aren't really treated with much respect and are usually viewed as the lowest type of person.
    18. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I'll be waiting ;)
      How is that terrifying?
      So should I bombard you with questions?
      But my planet has so much more cool things.

      A giant ball of fire in space is a star. My planet is not a star.
      No. Although they aren't usually portrayed in a positive light.
    19. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Are you being serious? I.... Never thought that I would be proposed to, let alone online. I think I just might break into tears of joy.... Or something.
      Sure thing.
      How do my questions make you paranoid?
      Meh. Alright. Kinda boring.

      If only you could see my home planet. It's amazing. Kinda like Asgard in the recent Thor movie.
      I'm gonna go with you're too good a person to be a whore.
    20. Nova
      YES! Womans Poligamy FTW :) hahaha You know I think we are going to get along just fine girl. We think too much a like to not xD
      And yes I agree. I dont understand girls who fall for trolls to be honest. Not like meaning physical appearence but you know the boys who act like jerks and lie all the time? I have no patience for that xD I would so rather have an ugly boyfriend who treats me right then a god(troll) who only loves himself. xD but to be honest if I love a guy he looks attractive to me no matter what he looks like to the rest of the world so I think my random rant is a bit pointless. xD
      And yes me too and witnessing them is even better! Its what makes facebook stalking so much fun. People will put the darndest things on there. Its like a stalkers heaven ;) teehee I mean... was that out loud? xD
      :0 What if we did get stalked?! :0
      lol He's just my best friend is all. We only pretend to be married because its funny xD And I hope so right now he is so on my spit list. :p
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

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