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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

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Key King
Last Activity:
Apr 4, 2016
Aug 11, 2011
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Bodunk Ohio
Computer repair

Key King

Member, Male, from Bodunk Ohio

Apologies for my inactivity, I've got a lot on my plate at the moment! I'll be back soon! Mar 1, 2016

Key King was last seen:
Apr 4, 2016
    1. TheKnightofAwesome
      indeed I have, I found it FANTASTIC!!!!
    2. .Leggo
      I finished your signature! I hope the text looks ok I think it looks kinda weird If you want anything changed let me know and don't forget to credit me pweeeaasse!

    3. ADogX
      *facepalm* I'm saying that in future posts, use quotes to let use know when your character speaks
    4. Noir
      What's LW?
    5. Noir
      I'm posting now, Shadowxel. (fusion of Shadow from Sonic and Axel.)
    6. DarkAngel
      ...hehe just type in what i put in the VM...
    7. DarkAngel
      Hey dude I made a new RP for Organization XIII...REBORN...
    8. ADogX
      I'm saying that you should put quotation marks around your character's words.
    9. Kairi831
      Yea, I think I would agree with that. . .
    10. ADogX
      ...did you not pay attention to what I said?
    11. Kairi831
      Uhm, yea, I mean why cant Xeren just automatically approve you?
      Hasnt he been on lately?
    12. Kairi831
      Yea, I guess, uhhhhmmm. I'll look over it now
    13. ADogX
      hey Key, a word of advice, when your character speaks, can you put quotation marks before and after he speaks? It'd be easier for me and others to know when your character speaks.

      Example: "Hello."
    14. TheKnightofAwesome
      It's now up. have fun mwahahahaha! but don't catch on the Slenderman's presence too soon.
    15. TheKnightofAwesome
      working on it. gonna post it hopefully in a few minuets.
    16. Roxion
      just did :D
    17. Roxion
      well, ok, he'll ride with lee, but I'm not starting the plan yet
    18. TheKnightofAwesome
      Ok Lee and Craig can have been in the same unit. but no more new characters the RP is full. as for where I live, I live in the US that's all you'll ever get out of me ;p
    19. .Leggo
      Yeah, I'm going to in a minute I'm working on your sig. Lol
    20. .Leggo
      I can just add Axel if you want, lol. unless you want a different one without him eating ice cream. Anyways, I'm doing good lol you?