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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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Key King
Last Activity:
Apr 4, 2016
Aug 11, 2011
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Bodunk Ohio
Computer repair

Key King

Member, Male, from Bodunk Ohio

Apologies for my inactivity, I've got a lot on my plate at the moment! I'll be back soon! Mar 1, 2016

Key King was last seen:
Apr 4, 2016
    1. Xeren_Ozone
      Good. Getting a haircut, then maybe going to Gamestop afterwards.
    2. .Leggo
      Yeah, and I'm sick of waking up at 5 45 in the morning!
    3. .Leggo
      Forreal! I hate going to school!
    4. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior

      And with banning, there are temporary bans and permanent bans. If people still break rules after we've warned them, then we ban for a bit. Once their ban is over and they keep on breaking the rules, we'll decide on whether or not to permanently ban them.
    5. Xeren_Ozone
      Google Heartless Sora, then go to images. I cut the heartless symbol out tho :3
    6. .Leggo
      Sure is.....
    7. .Leggo
      I have 4 more years, :(
    8. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Staff members such as myself are able to ban people. And they're usually banned for constantly breaking the rules after several warnings and stuff.
    9. ADogX
      it was originally an anime in Japan. 4Kids ruined the shit out of it
    10. Xeren_Ozone
      I did not know I was online xD

      Like my new siggeh?
    11. .Leggo
      Me too! I hate high school, I just can't wait to be done with it.
    12. .Leggo
      Oh, well good! I'm with you there.
    13. Xeren_Ozone
       You just blew my mind man.
    14. .Leggo
      You have cliques at your school? At mine we don't really have them we just have like some people hanging out with each other and some not. I odn't really know how to explain it lol. What clique are you in?
    15. ADogX
      neither. Only the japanese sub of Sonic X cuz they swear
    16. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Hey, I just deleted a post you made because it was in the wrong section. But to answer your question, the members that say banned on them are members who have been banned.
    17. .Leggo
      Aww, I know how you feel. My best friend moved away back in 7th grade :(
    18. .Leggo
      Where di you learn how to hack a computer?!
    19. .Leggo
      Ohk, you caught me! Bahah no I didn''t. I have no idea how to hack a computer anyways.
    20. .Leggo
      :/ Yeaaah.
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  • About

    Bodunk Ohio
    Computer repair
    Ask, and I'll send you the paperback!
    (Or the hardcover for the low, low price of $19.99)

    I live in the middle of nowhere! So, that's fun! I love video games and old movies, as well as television and books!

    I'm on here all the time so feel free to hit me up! :D


    "Remember, reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold. Bye!"