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Last Activity:
Apr 8, 2018
Jul 21, 2011
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June 20


Active Member, Female

When was the last time I checked in on here? It seems like forever when life keeps giving you whiplash. Mar 2, 2018

Kairi831 was last seen:
Apr 8, 2018
    1. Kairi831
      When was the last time I checked in on here? It seems like forever when life keeps giving you whiplash.
      1. Taboo Sho likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kairi831
        But for sure, I have my own file on there and such and Hyrule Warriors will be interesting. Since it's definitive and such. I'm not sure the whole details, but my boyfriend was geeked about it and seemed overly excited so I'm assuming it's really good.
        Mar 10, 2018
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      4. Kairi831
        I've been neglecting my Kingdom Hearts childhood for Zelda and my inner KH geek feels betrayed
        Mar 10, 2018
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      5. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        I'll PM you my friend code. It's somewhere on the forum but I can't be bothered to go look for it. We're allowed to neglect our inner KH geek because we've had to wait so goddamn fucking long for anything good lmao
        Mar 10, 2018
        Kairi831 likes this.
    2. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Are you, by chance, a Zelda fan?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kairi831
        I'm definitely for the unique aspects of games, so I might honestly enjoy it. I'll find out soon when I complete Ocarina though
        Dec 7, 2017
        Taboo Sho likes this.
      3. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        I was disappointed in the 3DS remake of Ocarina because of how dulled down Bongo Bongo is. However what most people don't know is that the ice arrows which you get from the Gerudo training grounds are only really useful against him. So anyone who does them first just has them for completion at that point. Plus the Spirit Temple is a lot more challenging without the Hover boots.
        Dec 7, 2017
      4. Taboo Sho
        Taboo Sho
        And if you're really feeling spicy you can try the Desert Colossus without the lens of truth. It's possible but extremely challenging.
        Dec 7, 2017
    3. Kairi831
      I remember when BvG was a hit back in my early years of being here, now I'm just remembering how clustered it can get. Withdrawal.
      1. Nova
        Hahaha yeah I'm just going to say let it be where it is. I'm not editing all the posts any more lol
        Oct 26, 2017
        Kairi831 likes this.
      2. Kairi831
        Even when the site was thriving, it never got THAT bad lol..
        Nov 8, 2017
    4. NeRo
      Enjoying your stay?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kairi831
        Going into nursing. I'm taking the Anatomy class in the winter along with a speech and english class. The speech and english will be easy since according to almost everyone Anatomy will make me want to rip my hair out
        Oct 25, 2017
      3. NeRo
        That sounds like quite the large plate you have. Don't overwork youreself. i finished college with a bachelors in computer science.
        Oct 26, 2017
      4. Kairi831
        Hey that's pretty cool! A lot of people I know are going to school for some sort of computer degree. My boyfriend is majoring in game design as well as minoring in computer engineering.
        Oct 26, 2017
    5. Kairi831
      I'm forever going to be obsessed with The Vampire Diaries
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nova
        I loved the series but after that season it kind of just dragged on for me. Feel like they could easily have ended it sooner without missing much
        Oct 25, 2017
      3. Angel
        Honestly, the story became repetitive garbage. For so many reasons that I can't even get into because I'm on my cellphone.
        Oct 25, 2017
      4. Kairi831
        Season 7 was when it just plummeted for me. It got boring after Elena had left the show but I know if she would have stayed it would have stayed even more repetitive and annoying. Season 8 was too rushed for my liking, and the ending definitely was rushed but I do still enjoy the series immensely
        Oct 25, 2017
    6. Kairi831
      Still can't believe I was only 13 when I joined this site. Time seemingly flies by
      1. RebelMurf, NeRo and Nova like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Angel
        And now we've grown.
        Oct 17, 2017
        Kairi831 likes this.
      4. Kairi831
        I'm off and on this site a good amount. Sometimes college and work takes up most of my time, but I always try to come back and check up on things. I'm hoping one day this site will regain the amount of thrive it had before
        Oct 17, 2017
      5. Nova
        It's some thing we are hoping to accomplish as well. :) always nice to see old members check in when they can.
        Oct 17, 2017
        Kairi831 likes this.
    7. Kairi831
      College finals really kick my ass
      1. Angel
        I can remember when, when I too had finals and most of them were on the same day O_o
        May 11, 2017
      2. Kairi831
        It's very stressful, haha ^^' I have a huge lab test tomorrow and I'm trying to study for it but it's more so aggravating me rather than helping anything. Then again, I am easily stressed over this sort of thing
        May 11, 2017
    8. Become

      Because you haven't gotten one yet.
      1. Kairi831 and Nova like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Become
        Everyone gets a heart. :]
        Apr 12, 2017
      4. Become
        Sometimes we give each other several hearts.
        Apr 12, 2017
      5. Kairi831
        That seems so kind, I love it
        Apr 13, 2017
        Become likes this.
    9. Kairi831
      I spent 9 bucks on a Tigers lanyard and a Red Wings key and I regret nothing.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kairi831
        Oh yikes. That must have been fun.
        Apr 10, 2017
      3. Become
        Yup. Flying Delta was, in retrospect, a bad choice on our part. We almost didn't get out of CT at all, because our original flight got cancelled. And then when we got to Detroit, they only had me and my mother in their system as passengers; almost had to leave my dad and brother behind jk.
        Apr 10, 2017
      4. Kairi831
        I've never heard anything good about Delta anyways. Then again I only travel by Southwest haha
        Apr 11, 2017
    10. Kairi831
      It is 4:30 in the morning, I have an 8am class today*, and a job interview and I haven't slept one bit :-)
      1. Angel likes this.
      2. Angel
        Yup, I don't miss college. ^_^
        Mar 21, 2017
        Kairi831 likes this.
    11. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I vaguely recall you being around when you came by a couple years back. In any case, you still have a place here, a lot of things have changed, so look around, explore. But as always, have a good time.
      1. Kairi831 likes this.
    12. Kairi831
      4 months and I would have been registered with this site for 6 years. That's so crazy!
      1. Angel and Nova like this.
      2. Angel
        Time sure flies!
        Mar 12, 2017
        Kairi831 likes this.
    13. Key King
      Key King
      Hey, Kairi! Come on back, girlie!
    14. Xeren_Ozone
      What's your account name, I'll add you
    15. Xeren_Ozone
      Unfortunately no, but I'll happily get it.
    16. YaminoHikari14
      That's pretty awesome ^.^
      I'm in a band the lead guitarist, except they're in my old town, I was lead guitar ^.^ On our facebook page they've got a joke saying once I'm back from stupid here they'll resume properly. I'm visiting during easter/spring Holidays anyways.
      Another pretty awesome thing about our band is that we have a keytarist ^.^
    17. YaminoHikari14
      I'll go listen to some of their songs then, well his XD You know Skrillex was A band at first? But then he took the name and went solo.. :/
      :3 I'm teaching myself Nightmare by AFX, can you play any instruments? I play le Electric Guitar :D And I'm on Grade 9 Woohoo! XD
    18. Reprise
      Sorry about that last "I dislike" comment. I can see how it could've been offensive.
    19. FatewithFury
      Yeah weird is just good over all
    20. FatewithFury
      Well thats a good thing to hear. weirdness is better then dullness.