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Last Activity:
Jan 14, 2025
Mar 17, 2009
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Home Page:
Deep within your heart


Lion Heart, Male, from Deep within your heart

Staff Member Administrator

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky Dec 25, 2019

Angel was last seen:
Jan 14, 2025
    1. Kitty
      Well, I know one thing- this has certainly cured me of any lingering desire to play KH II, lol.
      1. NeRo
        i just started playing KH2.5 HD today you should too Kitten Kat
        Jun 7, 2015
    2. Kitty
      I think there may be an error in the strategy guide on the Master form page. One of the charts is labeled with Wisdom and mentions Auto Wisdom as an ability. It's been too long since I've played the game, so I can't remember if Master and Wisdom were tied together somehow or if it is in fact a mistake. I typed it up as it was printed, but I can change it if you also think it's a screw up.
      1. Angel
        You're right! It's suppose to be "Auto Master". Your gut is probably always right! ^_^
        Jun 6, 2015
      2. NeRo
        oh i want in on this convo!
        Jun 7, 2015
    3. Angel
      Legend of Sol will be so awesome!
      1. Nova
        Thrilled to have you in it. :)
        Jun 6, 2015
    4. NeRo
      You Sly devil you. you made my fucking day!
      1. Angel
        Knew you would love it!
        Jun 6, 2015
      2. NeRo
        You got me all fired up again. i'm ready to work and rock/roll. If you need my help with anything just let me know i'm so excited!
        Jun 6, 2015
    5. Napoléon
      You're the ultimate creeper. I love it
      1. Angel likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Napoléon
        I wanted to like that message, but I can't D:

        I like how everyone's messages can be seen haha
        Deadly power.
        Jun 5, 2015
      4. Angel
        Haha sowwy!

        Me too! Now, I get to know all your toe-curling secrets!
        Jun 5, 2015
      5. Napoléon
        Not my toe-curling secrets D:

        Anything juicy you read lately ?
        Jun 13, 2015
    6. Angel
      Members->Current Visitors is my go to place for spying on you guys! Just wanted to be open about it! ^_^.
    7. Angel
      I personally don't like not knowing where things are!
    8. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I moved to Florida in February so I've been adjusting to life living with my mom
    9. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Ahhh. Coffee Man, how are things going?
    10. Maxad
      Oh man i havent had ramen noodles in forever!
    11. Maxad
      Regular rowdy rumble around here. Its a good thing im chock full of vim and vigor or i would have to struggle for my friends
    12. Maxad
      Okay i guess. Better now that i found this site. My childhood friend passed away about 6 months ago so kind of lonely. We didnt have much in common of anything from video games to films but we still got along okay. Family helped me through alot. ^__^ fine now. How are you?
    13. Kitty
      Do you need any graphics for the site? I've been kind of bored lately and was thinking about making some avatars, maybe some simple sigs. I know the gfx staff had made a bunch of stuff in years past, but I dunno how much of that stuff survives. The stuff I'll make will be pretty simple, because GIMP, but... *shrugs*
    14. EtherealSummoner
      Ok. I was wondering about that. There are a couple of other people as well who I cannot access their profile to talk to them so it may be a similar issue.
    15. EtherealSummoner
      I wasn't so sure because I can't even access his profile to talk to him.
    16. EtherealSummoner
      ._. Who in the world is W.I. Solomon on the site?
    17. EtherealSummoner
      The bible studies been going great! I tend to help out with the bible studies or lead them with people and the bible studies are usually personal with the person. I enjoy leading and helping out with them while taking time to build relations with people. I find it a joy
    18. Kitty
      Sounds like things are going good for you. I suppose I shouldn't really complain, myself, but cabin fever's starting to set in, with my car being stuck in my drive way, and the only way I have of going anywhere is bumming rides off my mom, lol. I hate snow.

      I would imagine once KHIII comes out, the site will get enough traffic that you can get your money's worth and then some. I'm just glad someone has the site who wants to do something with it. It was a shame that TD neglected us so much.
    19. EtherealSummoner
      XD My friend ran out real quick to a Vanguard card tournament so this gives me enough time to study and relax.
    20. EtherealSummoner
      Definitely. I will contribute as much as I can like I am doing right now even though it is not much. Once college is over, then I can contribute a little bit more. Over at a friend of mine (People call us twins because we look alike) to use his computer. Still saving up to buy my own.
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